Monday, June 30, 2014

Honey in charge

While I was at camp, my mother in law watched the kids Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, while my honey was at work. Friday, Christopher took the day off and watched them himself. And then of course on Saturday too since I didn't get home til 1. Here are my thoughts on this in the day and a half that I've been home.

I am so thankful for the combined efforts of Klaudette and Christopher that made it possible for me to go to camp without ever having to worry about my kids.  I knew they were well taken care of and having fun. 
Brady hasn't been feeling well since Tuesday and his appetite has been struggling severely. I'm thankful that Christopher has been an awesome and concerned caretaker for this little guy while I was away. Since I've been home, I can tell that christoper feels a special sense of stewardship over Brady and has felt more comfortable when he can take care of Brady himself instead of me doing it. Like last night when he specifically asked me if he could just put the kids to bed himself (both kids had a hard time going to bed when I put them down Saturday night) while I cleaned up the kitchen (and he actually nudged me on this several times commenting on how cluttered it was when he'd had it spotless for me Saturday night when I came home) and it just made me all happy inside for some reason at this little role reversal since I was so tired I couldn't care less about cleaning the kitchen and could barely get myself off the sofa to say goodnight to the kids. 
Also concerning my honey, since he's been doing everything with the kids by himself while I was gone, he's more comfortable doing it now without any assistance or prompting from me. Saturday after nap and Sunday morning and Sunday afternoon (basically every single time since I've gotten home), I've been so tired and sleeping late and running late getting ready, and my honey has just gone upstairs and gotten both kids ready and dressed and in the car. Even at the little birthday party gathering we went to, I was still chatting and saying goodbye when I looked around and realized that Christopher had already taken the kids to the car and gotten them all buckled. Not like he never did this stuff before but the way he's doing it now is just a little different. And even though this sort of stuff always wears off and whatever, I just want to make sure I remember it, because my honey gets dad of the year award for going above and beyond in a bunch of ways I can't even really write down. 
Oh, and before I forget, pictures my honey took while I was away so I could get some cute texts of our kids. Friday, honey took them to Home Depot, the pool, on a walk after nap, and gave them baths before bed. And somehow in there, he managed to work on the electrical stuff and fix the light in the laundry room!  I'm so excited about this!  Now I can do laundry at night again without being ghetto and using my phone's flashlight app! And I'm so proud of my honey for figuring it all out when that's really out of his element and not his specialty at all. So basically, my honey knocked it out of the park. 

And as a side note, when I came back, Brady reacted as he has before... He was wary of me and didn't want me to touch him or hold him and wouldn't come to me, only extended his hand to carefully push mine away. Luckily we all thought this was hilarious as he just burrowed in closer to his daddy.  I mean, seriously kid... I was gone for less than five days!  I always come back!

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