Friday, February 20, 2015

organized puzzles

back in my bedridden, morning sickness days, the kids were pretty much left to their own devices for around ten hours a day and... it showed.  one of the areas hit pretty hard was the puzzle drawer.  abigail is really great about cleaning up, but when brady would dump out five or ten puzzles at once, it was just too challenging for her to sort and clean up.  and i was definitely in no position to help.  several puzzles were spared, but most of the puzzles were scattered and mixed and eventually (y'know, after 4 or 6 day or a week... who can really keep track?!) i just threw them all in a plastic grocery bag and put it on a high shelf in my closet.  and there it stayed until earlier this week when i was feeling ambitious and decided to tackle it.  once brady was down for nap, i enlisted abigail's assistance and told her i needed her to help me tackle and important project during quiet time.  she was enthusiastic.

at first i had her helping with the sorting... but that was a bit much for her so once i got at least ten pieces from one puzzle together, i pushed them in her direction to get started putting it together.  that system worked out great and she was busy putting together puzzles while i was busy finding and sorting the pieces.

eventually, we got them all put together.  including the ones that were mostly still in their boxes in the puzzle drawer.

puzzles all went in bags.  flash cards and card games together.  and all in bins.

and labeled since these will be up for rotation later.


and stacked.  and for the record... the games that were under the sofa now live here.  it's easier to see what we have and i don't have to worry about brady getting into stuff.  we can pull them down when we want to play.

check it out... in the same closet (in our entryway).  can you tell my preferences in organizing?  cheap, clear bins from walmart, labeled with masking tape and sharpie.  it's perfect for most projects and i love it.


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