Monday, July 24, 2017

Saturday fun

when honey got me my new phone last month, I told him I neeeeeded one with tons of storage space. now I have a 128gb phone and can take 70+ photos and videos on just an average Saturday.  don't worry... I'll spare you and only post some.

it doesn't matter how big our house is... we're just always going to all end up within four inches of each other.

I just can't even handle this cuteness and his little narcoleptic self.

Elizabeth kept getting super excited and yelling "HIIIII!!!!" at the screen when we took a selfie.  not sure if she thought it was FaceTime or what, but the kids and I thought it was hilarious.

she's getting an attitude, but holy cow she's still so sweet and precious.

as a mother, I do my research on stuff.  I needed to know if fairies leave notes or glitter or anything else these days (I realize my tooth fairy experience wasn't traditional as I had a special little pillow that had a special pocket for lost teeth and my tooth fairy didn't take my teeth) that I should know about.  the suggested searches made my heart cry.  I'm gonna go ahead and say that if a kid needs to google about the realness of a tooth fairy, they probably shouldn't have unsupervised access to the internet. but to each their own I guess.

if her hair isn't pulled back, it falls straight in her face.  her head is basically a 360 waterfall of hair.

I think this was her first time with proper pigtails.  my first thought was "holy cow, you look ridiculous!" but as the day went on, it grew on me and I just kept wanting to take pictures of her because everything she did was just that much cuter with pig tails.

heading to the library.  he really doesn't wake up for much but I'm sure he just loved this library trip anyway.

cuter with pigtails.

Abigail was looking through her new fairy books that we had on hold...

which of course turned into wiggling her tooth some more.  so much wiggling.

I keep looking at Brady and thinking that he looks so old.  when did that happen?! there is nothing little kid left about him at all.

there's not really anything little kid left about either of them and I'm not sure when I turned into a mom that has big kids.

with two items left that we wanted to get, we got the "you are barred from borrowing" popup on the checkout screen.  you can only check out 99 things per library card and we've been really having to budget our space lately because Abigail goes through fairy books so fast.  I think right now she has 35 or 40 checked out.  that's such a huge chunk of our space and only leaves us with 60 spots left to check out picture books, board books, dvds, and cds.  at the recommendation and encouraging of one of the librarians, I got Abigail her own library card.  I still have mixed feelings about it (mostly managing 2 different library accounts and also scared at the ability to check out 198 library items at a time) but we'll try it for a bit and see how it goes.  maybe we'll just continue to use our one library card and keep this one on hand for overflow stuff like when we just need a little more but don't have space.  anyway, she's excited about it.

honey left Andrew propped up and then went off to get himself a bowl of cereal.  Andrew fell through the crack in the pillows (rookie mistake) and I gave honey a hard time about Andrew being abandoned by his father.  I will say though that while it looks like he's crying, he's actually not.  he must have been rooting or yawning or something.  this kid seriously puts up with everything.

honey and I both fell asleep during nap time and when we woke up, I wasn't in the mood to go to Texas Roadhouse (was our previous plan) and he made a joke about getting Chinese.  I held him to it and then gave him three kids and told him to return with Chinese.  being a great dad, he took them to the park by the restaurant first and the kids loved it.

Andrew is just a constant little milk fountain volcano baby.  I had to blow-dry my jeans after I took this picture because I was about to go outside and was too lazy to change pants.

honey found a snake in the neighbor's yard while he was getting the mail so he came back later with a shovel and disposed of it.  the kids supervised it.

we supervised from a more substantial distance.

she says "NO!" constantly, so we resort to making her laugh and giggle until she forgets about saying no over and over and we forget about her being so disagreeable.

7.22.17 - Abigail lost her first tooth!  and I'm guessing the other front tooth won't be too far behind.

it was a good day.

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