Saturday, July 1, 2017

not so new anymore


time is still going by way too fast.  life feels normal now.  which is great, but also sad.  there's something so special about the new-ness of a newborn and coming home from the hospital and holeing up in bed with a tiny baby that still smells so fresh.  my baby doesn't look so new anymore.  he definitely doesn't smell new anymore.  he's acting less new.  I don't feel like I've had a baby anytime recently.  I definitely don't look as thin as my normal self, but I also don't really look like I've just had a baby.  mom and I have done yard work and errands and house projects and a whole lot of stuff that makes this feel like she's been here for a normal visit, not a "you just had a baby" visit.  it just blows my mind.  yesterday afternoon I thought, "we've been home from the hospital for two weeks now!"  how did this happen?!?!  it just passes by so fast.  maybe in heaven we can rig a way to relive some of these extra special moments.  it hurts my heart to think of only experiencing them just one time for so short.

anyway, I got Andrew out of his swaddle this morning to change his diaper and when I unzipped his pjs, I'd found that he had a little belly button and his umbilical cord stump had fallen off.  part of me was all "yeay! finally!" and the other part was all "holy cow, that was your last tie to the fact that you were so recently in the hospital!" and it made me a little sad and a little happy.

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