Monday, July 30, 2012

grilled stuffed zucchini

sunday evening, honey and i made this recipe for grilled stuffed zucchini.  it was so out of my comfort zone and i told my honey at least four times while we (he did the grilling part) were making it, "i'm so glad you're doing this with me... i've been so nervous to make it and i feel better that we're doing it together."  ha.


we had two really huge squash given to us by one of honey's coworkers so that was actually the inspiration for making this in the first place.  turns out they were so huge though that we only had filling for half of what we'd grilled.  sooo i'll be repurposing that other squash.

they looked so gorgeous on the grill.  it was during this time that i went inside to clean up a bit when honey came in to tell me that our baby just told him she had crap on her cheeks.  

and then they were done!  there is something insanely crazy that happens in that free hand me down grill of ours that makes everything honey puts in there taste amazing beyond belief.  the stuffing was great but this recipe would not be nearly so delicious if you did it on a grill pan.  the taste of the squash from just rubbing them down with oil and salt and pepper and getting those nice grill marks on them... ohhhh i ate so much.  we actually had no leftovers.  well, actually we did.  but i ate them after i finished doing dishes.  do you ever have those moments?  "i could either put this in the fridge in a tupperware... or i could just finish it off right now before i go to bed."  i too often choose the latter.

anyways, here's a few things i loved about this recipe.  anything grilled is deliciously incredible.  it enlists the help of my honey.  it has lots of veggies (and i'll definitely up the veggies next time i make it too).  it seems super meaty even though the recipe only calls for 4 ozs (one link) so i actually have four links left over for future cooking!

individually wrapped and in a ziploc bag, to the freezer they go!

and just because i thought this was funny... today, baby girl brought me this random sample makeup remover face wipe thing, excitedly telling me that it was emmy!  "it's emmy!  that's emmy!  there she is!  emmy!"


well at least the brunette part is right.  looks like we'll need to skype more so baby will be more accurately able to differentiate who is emmy and who is not.


ok said...

You should buy "Grill This, Not That!" It is a FABULOUS cookbook - so far, we have loved everything in it. I, too, love to enlist the help of my honey in the (outdoor) kitchen. :)

Unknown said...

Joshua points to all women in magazines, on billboards, in the grocery store and either calls them "mom!" Or "ama!" (Grandma) depending on how old he thinks they look, which is cute and hillarious while looking at pictures but a bit awkward when in the grocery store and the woman he is calling grandma is definitely younger than 40.