Friday, July 13, 2012

16 weeks

How far along:  16 weeks  (7.12.12)
Total weight gain/loss: + 3 lbs  
Maternity clothes:  not yet but there are definitely lots of my regular clothes that i don't wear anymore because they're either too unflattering or too short.  i borrowed all of my maternity clothes last time and gave them all back so i'm thinking i should go shopping soon...
Stretch marks:  this is the last time you'll see this question.  i have plenty of stretch marks from last pregnancy... so any news about stretch marks i'll just be including in the "extra" section.
Sleep:  not fabulous since i woke up on sunday with a bad cold.  i've been having to read at night until i get suuuuper tired and then i can just shut my book and fall asleep.  my other alternatives are a) lay down and constantly feel like i'm suffocating because i'm too congested to breathe through my nose and b) "lay down" with my head so elevated i wonder if my neck is going to snap in half during the night.  as of this morning i've been feeling better though so hopefully  i'm on the mend!
Best moment this week:  loving food.  even though i was no where near as sick this time around, i really haven't been crazy about food.  but this past week there's been several times i've eaten something and almost melted because it hit the spot so perfectly.  
Movement:  sometimes i think i can feel something if it's night time and i'm laying down and concentrating really hard.  but i'm pretty sure i'm just delusional.  
Food cravings:  hmm, scrambled cheese eggs for breakfast on sliced toasted, buttered, french bread.  every single day... so delicious.  also, as a general rule, beef is awesome.  like in those stuffed peppers.  comfort foods.  i'm still in that "full fat food is good for you!" mentality so i'm trying to teach myself moderation.  chicken is not great, neither is fish right now and don't you dare try to feed me bbq.  sweets are delicious but the texture of fruits is grossing me out.  so hit and miss with stuff.  looove raw veggies with dip.  looots of dip.  and of course tons and tons of milk.  can't get enough.
Gender:  so frustrating that i'm far enough along that you could easily tell but i don't get an ultrasound until next month!  i have planning and preparing to do and i can't get on it until i know what this baby is!
What I miss:  drugs.  like two nights ago when i was suffocating with congestion as i attempted to fall asleep and i thought to myself, "my life wouldn't suck so bad right now if i had a bottle of dimetapp.  also would be handy for those frequent headaches like the one i have right now.  
Milestones:  hitting the 16 week mark.  that's a big one.  15 weeks is child's play but 16 weeks is the real deal.  now i'm looking forward to 20.  that's legit.
Theme: the week of being sick and hitting 16 weeks!
Extra:  i had my 16 week appointment on thursday where i met my doctor.  my only previous appointment was at 8 weeks when i met with the nurse practitioner.  anyways, this appointment was the most pointless waste of time ever.  basically, they just weighed me, checked blood pressure and stuff, listened to a heartbeat ( i guess that's kinda important), and answered my questions.  i'm guessing my doctor was either a preschool teacher or sesame street actor in her previous life.  i wish someone else had been there with me to witness it.  also, i know it's common for doctors to do this but for some reason it was bothering me yesterday when she kept making comments as if she knew me.  lady, i know you just read through my chart right before you walked in the door, don't act like you know me and my history.  like when i told her "yes, this is my second pregnancy, my daughter will be turning two on sunday" then she just kept making comments and attempting conversation with stuff like "she keeps you really busy!" and whatever.  ummm no, you have no idea what my kid is like.  she keeps me occupied but i would in no way say that she keeps me "busy" so you must be thinking of everyone else's two year olds because my angel baby is the exception to that rule.  she also commented that i'd gained SIX pounds so far this pregnancy and i was like "WHAT?!  where'd that number come from?!"  and she was like "well, your prepregnancy weight was 118 and today you weighed in at 224."  and so i explained "yes, but i weighed 118 at HOME so you have to had a few pounds for clothes."  but she took a look at her computer screen and corrected me.  apparently at my 8 week appointment i only weighed in at 118... fully dressed.  so i apologized for being wrong and explained that i actually did get super sick during week six and pretty sick during week seven so i must have lost weight before that appointment.  anyways... by my calculations, weighing at home without clothes, i started at 117-118 and am now at about 121.  so we'll say i started at 118 and have gained three pounds.  that's my story and i'm sticking to it.  although my meals these days are so huge and i'm drinking so much milk that any weight that's not taken immediately after waking up is going to kinda all over the place.  the other thing that bothered me about my doctor was that she seemed unsure and almost apologetic of herself.  like when she commented that i was starting small but that she hoped we could shoot for me to gain 30 pounds if that's something i could try to do.  like a question she was shy to ask because she didn't want to impose.  once again, lady, you have no way of knowing this but i'm a little obsessive about being pregnant and have already spent more hours than you should care to know researching about my pregnancy this time around. i already know i need to gain at least 30 pounds, i'm with you, don't apologize, just tell me that's our goal and remember to congratulate my progress at future appointments.  she also followed this up with telling me that i could eat as much ice cream as i wanted this pregnancy which was kind of humorous coming from a medical professional.  so that redeemed her some points.  but let me get this straight for the record... i have no ill feelings towards my doctor... i just thought the experience was a little strange.  my big ultrasound appointment is scheduled for monday august 6th and i'm excited that honey will be able to come with me this time.  last time he had a midterm and couldn't come and i felt bad that he missed out because it was such an insanely incredible and spiritual experience for me.  i'm excited this time around that we'll get to experience it together.  also, i'm at the awkward stomach stage where i can either look fat, suck in my stomach and look normal (to strangers... close friends would notice), totally relax my stomach or push it out and look hugely pregnant or anything in between.  and of course it depends on meals and what i'm wearing too.  i was at walmart earlier this week and ran into a woman whose little girl kept giving abigail her doll to play with.  so we made small talk.  she was hugely pregnant so i asked her when she was due, fully expecting her to say some date within the next month.  and then i could excitedly tell her i was due in december (because i'm that annoying pregnant person that thinks we're BFF if we're both pregnant).  well, her due date is sometime in october and thank goodness my filter was working because my head screamed "ARE YOU HAVING TWINS?!?!" but my mouth said "oh my goodness how exciting!"  goodness that lady is twice the size of my other october due date friends.  so you better believed i sucked in my belly and didn't mention that i was due two months later.  i hope people are that nice to me when i'm enormous in a few months.  because i know my stomach is going to be epic.

and last time i never posted pictures with the weekly posts... because i really didn't want a whole lot of pregnant pictures of me on the internet... but this time around i've already enjoyed looking back at those posts and have been hating that i don't have pictures pared with them.  sooo, for my own sake, i'm going to try to suck it up and do it a little differently this time around.  here are a variety of poor quality pictures to show you how i may look throughout the day depending on how lazy my stomach is and how recently i've eaten.


and because we all hate posts without pictures of baby girl, here's two that got left out of yesterday's post.  "glasses on!"


i think it's a good look for her.  she's going to be an awesome big sister.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I did a fast read until the gender part. And then I went back and read the food cravings part and my two cents, are that you are totally having a boy. not liking fruit and craving beef gave it away for me. I Can't wait to hear the real results! So exciting and yay for pregnancy pictures!!