Wednesday, July 11, 2012

advice please! baby's birthday gifts

i am terrible at making decisions.  especially when i have to include my honey's opinion.  that makes it just that much more difficult.

for christmas we were wanting to get baby girl a play kitchen.  i wanted a pretty wood kidkraft kitchen and honey wanted a cheap plastic kitchen and baby girl didn't get an opinion.

she also didn't get a kitchen... because we never decided on one.  poor baby girl.

most all of her toys are hand me downs or craigslist finds or random crap around the house that she finds to play with like ice cube trays.  i know she would think a plastic toy is just as cool as a wooden toy but the thing is... i know i won't.  i want it to look pretty and feel sturdy.  and i want it to last more than six months.  so now i'm down to the wire trying to figure out birthday presents for baby girl and even though i'm over that whole kitchen thing, i'm having the same plastic vs. wood dilemma.

you see, baby girl has three main obsessions right now.  they are shoes, the beach/pool, and babies.  she is completely satisfied with her shoe situation and we've already purchased her a cool blow up baby pool slide thing for our backyard that i think she'll love so really, i want her other presents to be baby related.  especially because it's flattering to me as a mother and i hope it will get her psyched and prepped to be a big sister soon.

i haven't yet let honey check out the options because i want to figure out what's out there first but here's the deal...

i'm thinking he would like to spend $15 and get this little plastic set that is an all in one sink, crib, and highchair.  i'm sure baby would love it.

i would like to get something super high end but would never let myself spend that kind of money on something of this nature so really i would want to get something like this highchair, this cradle, and maybe this stroller or splurge for this one that has the bassinet.

so give me your opinion.  spew your advice.  i like nice things but i'm also really cheap.  like how baby girl's actual highchair that she uses was free and her stroller was only $15 (that's less than any of the doll strollers i've seen).  i need to make a decision fast so we can get presents here asap.

what should i buy?


For the Love of French said...

This is what I found

The above is for 12" dolls
Below is 18"

The first one has a stroller, but you can get those for $5 if you really wanted one for a bigger doll.

ok said...

You are so crafty - why don't you do something like this??

Then you and honey both win - it will be cheap (materials only) and she gets something fabulous!

Lyndel said...

I'd say don't do any of the plastic ones. You obviously want this stuff to last awhile and not cave to the destruction of Abigail. Also, when you spend a little more on things they tend to have a better shelf life.