Saturday, July 28, 2012

community service

honey was in wyoming on thursday and didn't get back til 2am.  so when baby girl woke up from nap we went to target to check out maternity clothes, pick up a few things for that apple snickers dessert and basically just get out of the house and kill some time.  

on our walk through the parking lot, baby girl started noticing that some of the landscape rocks had made their way to the sidewalk and she took it upon herself to make sure that every single rock on the sidewalk was cleaned up and put in its proper space with the other rocks.  all while eating her apple chips.

grasses included.  those are not allowed on the sidewalk.

good thing we weren't in a hurry anywhere.  on our way home we saw the most gorgeous sunset.  it looked like the whole horizon was on fire... which in colorado is actually a possibility, but thankfully it was just an optical illusion.  i was two streets over by the time i was able to pull my camera out of my purse and stop at a   light for a picture so the view was almost completely obscured but like with everything else... just having this picture helps me remember the real thing.  it was amazing.  colorado is so beautiful.

and then we passed by these cows that are always grazing right outside the entrance of our neighborhood.  one of them strayed behind our house the other day and i kept looking at it during our dinner with the missionaries.  i still think it's the coolest thing ever that i can see cows from my kitchen window!

ps- this morning we went to honey's 10 year high school reunion.  and then to costco.  and then claimed a free chocolate milkshake at chick fil a.  there is something magical about chick fil a.  their chocolate milkshakes are so light and fluffy and they don't have too sharp of a chocolate taste... it's delicate and lingering and has just the right amount of maltiness.  and it was gone within like 5 minutes.  how does it always disappear so fast?!

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