Thursday, July 26, 2012

18 weeks

How far along:  18 weeks  (7.26.12)
Total weight gain/loss: + 7 lbs if i weigh in the morning + 10 lbs if i weigh at night
Maternity clothes:  same as before.  still wearing my regular shirts, jeans, dresses, skirts, etc. just more limited in what is flattering to my growing figure...
Sleep:  not too shabby.  i take naps at least half of the days and then stay up super late at night for no reason.  i wish i was better about not doing this!  so i go to sleep super late, wake up between 4 and 5 to go to the bathroom / shut the window and blinds and go back to sleep until 9 30 or so.  
Best moment this week:  enjoying my growing belly.  from what my lovely friends tell me... i'm out of the "awkwardly fat beer belly" stage and onto the "cute pregnant bump" stage.  so i'm going to soak that up until it turns into the "you are so enormous you look like you're about to simultaneously rip open and tip over" stage.
Movement:  i could be delusional but as of last night, this afternoon, and this evening, i think i've actually felt some baby movement!  sooo very excited about this if it's the real thing... but only time will tell!
Food cravings:  still 2 scrambled cheese eggs for breakfast on sliced toasted, buttered, french bread.  and still eating it every single day.  i have it down so perfectly i could do it in my sleep.  also, it only takes like six minutes start to finish and it's perfection every time.  with abigail i was totally loving fruit but this time around i'm just really into veggies... but mostly in the form of thick and creamy comfort food.  monday morning i made a huge huge batch of potato soup and threw in tons of onions, as well as some leftover broccoli.  add butter, cheese, and whole milk... sprinkled with crumbled bacon?  i just finished the leftovers tonight.  also, the chicken pot pie i made yesterday i've been eating every chance i get.  the potatoes!  the carrots!  the corn!  the creamy goodness!  i've never enjoyed comfort food in july so much in my entire life.  hmm, this could be why i've been packing on the pounds...      
Gender:  seriously trying to focus on the fun and mystery of "not knowing.'  i don't know how i've made it so far this pregnancy not appreciating how fun it is to let your mind wonder and guess.  chris really loves that we don't know.  i'm pretty sure if i told him i wanted to not find out until the birth he would think that was the coolest thing ever.  definitely not gonna happen though.
What I miss:  bending over more easily.  i'm big enough and far enough along that my belly is going to be uncomfortable bending over (especially since i'm still wearing regular jeans and really really especially because with a toddler i find myself bending over every thirty seconds or so) but not far enough along that i'm used to these restrictions.  by later in my pregnancy i think it won't surprise me so much when i lean over and then think "ouch, that really didn't feel nice."  because currently... that happens quite a bit.
Milestones:  i've started embracing the pregnant belly look and it's a lot of fun!
Theme: the week of packing on the pounds!  honestly, i've gained about a pound a day every day this week.  pregnant or not, that is insanely fast to put on so much weight so i'm making more of an effort to eat less.  goal for this week: don't eat every meal as if it's your last and don't eat until you're so full and nauseous and then wait an hour and do it again.  i know i'm eating high fat foods (see cravings section) but i've always done that.  i think the real problem here is the sheer quantity of food i'm consuming.  it's alarming, really.
Extra:  i had several people from church straight up ask if i was pregnant at the bbq we went to last saturday and then on sunday at church i had a few more ask me and then at an ice cream social later that night i had a few more people say they noticed me at church and had to find someone to ask/confirm that i was pregnant.  christopher is under the impression that "everyone knows" no matter how much i try to explain that it's not the case.  since we haven't put anything on facebook yet, word is slow to get around.  he home teaches two of my good friends i haven't been able to hang out with in a while and came home saying "traci didn't know you were pregnant!" and "ashley didn't know you were pregnant!"  yes honey... even close friends are still just finding out.  word moves slow without technology.  i'm still getting frequent headaches and still feeling lightheaded when i stand up but both of those things are so much less prevalent that what they have been previously.  as far as i can remember, i haven't been close to passing out this week and it's amazing!  also, this isn't necessarily specific to pregnancy but more just an observation of my experience over the past many weeks... for my day to be excellent, i need a number of things.  1) i need to look decent and feel cute... real clothes even if i'm just going to be at home all day.  2) when i wake up, i need to have my eggs on toast asap.  3) my house needs to be "picked up" and my kitchen needs to be cleaned.  i can't even remember the last time i vacuumed, but you better believe that my kitchen sink, counters, and floor better be clean and clear of dishes, food, and toys!  4) actually... nevermind... that's it.  it's nice not to have a headache but if the other stuff is in place, a headache isn't a big deal.  i need my house to look nice, myself to look somewhat presentable, and my belly to be full and i'll be a sweet and happy person indeed.

18 week post with abigail

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