Tuesday, July 10, 2012

brownie cookies and my day

this afternoon i found this recipe to make so i'd have something delicious to bring to our young women pool party tonight.  it looked super easy and delicious.  well, the girls were all impressed but let me tell you... it was not easy.  the batter was so difficult to work with, even after i added more flour and tried putting it in the fridge to set a little.  who's made these before?!  cooking sarah, what did i do wrong?!

ps- i did a huge shopping trip today for the first time in over a month, so i have my recipes planned out and i'm so excited for a few new things i'm going to be trying.  cross your fingers it goes better than these cookies!

pps- today was an amazing day.  i don't know how, but the little every day things i experience bring me such joy and happiness.  today, baby girl slept in til after 10, we had a great breakfast, and were headed to the library by 10:30 to meet up with jodi and elle.  our massive grocery shopping trip at walmart afterwards only took an hour flat and it was simple and productive (just like i'd prayed it would be!) and my testimony was strengthened by that experience.  lunch time with baby girl was awesome while i put away groceries, and right when she was done, she requested a nap... 2:00... right on time!  i hung out, talked to my mom, made cookies, and got everything ready for the pool party.  baby girl was still sleeping (or at least hanging out quietly in her crib... who really knows?!) when i left at 6:00.  the pool party went great and when i got home i had the energy and motivation to put everything away and clean the kitchen while baby girl gobbled up cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks, broccoli, celery, and prunes.  yeay for the veggie platter leftovers providing a satisfying dinner for my baby!  although i should note that that prunes weren't part of the platter... they came from the fridge, because for some reason my kid thinks they are a special treat.  ha.  and tonight is the first night in over a month that i'm going to bed not sure what to do tomorrow.  between house guests, going out of town, girls camp, and more friends in town as well as random stuff like actually clean the house, do laundry, quilting, etc, i haven't felt on top of things in a long while.  sooo, while i still have plenty of stuff to do, nothing right now is marked "urgent" and i can breathe a little and maybe make a dent on my "would be nice to do" list.  life is good to me.


Sara said...

You usually have to leave that dough in the fridge for quite a while, and even then, it's a mess! (Don't worry; you probably did it right.) :)

ok said...

Totally just left you a comment but it didn't save!! :( I just said I love you and I love your baby, and I am excited for you to have another baby for me to love from afar. Also, what made the batter hard to work with? Was it too runny? You may want to make it one night and leave it in the fridge overnight then bake in the morning. You also should definitely use a cookie scoop to dump it in the powdered sugar, and you may want to use less water or oil. But no matter what, if a recipe is just plain too hard to make, just cross it off the list - there are plenty of recipes that will be just as good (or better!) and not nearly as difficult. If you ever need some, you know who to ask. :)