Sunday, July 8, 2012

month of pictures

except that it's really only like three days of pictures with the first group being a month ago today and the last group being today and the picture in the middle being sometime in between.  apparently i forgot about that camera in my nightstand.  whoops.

soooo flash back to june 8th, 2012 when we were gardening/raking dead leaves from the lawn.

we took out the rock pile around our trees and replaced it with grass.  raising little grass seedlings is almost as challenging as raising a child.  although it happens faster.
she stands at the curb and waits for us to come hold her hand so we can cross the street together.  it's precious.
we believe in child labor.
but don't call cps on us... she's okay with it.
ADORES her daddy.
this made me laugh out loud.  she's really got a sense of humor and knows how to be funny and appreciate funny things.
what a good helper.
oh hi there.
i'm in love.
i love her little maycock nose and her tiny mouth and her little baby neck and her tiny arms and her wispy baby hair and pretty much every single thing about her i just can't get enough of.
baby running.  she falls down a lot.  constant scrapes on her knees.  although even if it draws blood she probably cries less than half the time.  tougher than i'd be.
my handsome husband.

and remember when i wrote about having to cut baby's hair which was really just clipping out a bad knot?  well, this is the picture from it.

too bad it happened again a week later.  crossing my fingers this doesn't become a regular thing...

and then tonight i got out the camera because honey (ps- tonight my honey and i were talking and baby was trying to get our attention and she did.  because eventually we noticed her saying "HOOOONEY!!!  HOOONEY!!!" over and over again.  oh dear.) and baby girl were having such a great time jumping on the bed.  baby girl loves jumping and she's discovered that it's infinitely more fun to jump on beds.  honey piled up our pillows and just started tossing baby on top.  she couldn't get enough of it.

if you're ever next to baby girl when you hear her say "i jump" then turn around and catch her!  because "i jump" really just means "i trustfall" and it looks just like this.

 other randoms as of late...

baby girl's shoe fetish is still fierce and showing no signs of letting up.  she has taken to wearing shoes all around the house now.  she's not allowed to wear shoes on the bed or our sofas and if she's wearing my shoes or honey's she has to take them off before getting in her highchair because they won't fit through the holes.  sooo, she'll hop on the bed/sofa/whatever, slip off her shoes, drop them on the floor and hang out.  when she climbs off to get milk from the kitchen or something, she sits down, puts her shoes on, and runs off to do whatever before coming back and repeating the process.  today at church my friend danielle was picking up her little boy from nursery and couldn't find his shoes.  she and the nursery leaders were looking all over before they finally found them.  on baby girl's feet.  on any given day at home she'll wear at least seven different pairs of shoes.  and that's just at home.  it's tough to say if she likes babies or shoes more.

baby girl loves the pool.  also called the baby pool but mostly referred to as the baby beach.  she talks about it all day long and constantly requests to go there.  "baby beach?  i want baby beach."  so i say "sorry baby girl, we can't go right now because it's too hot/sunday/nighttime/etc."  and then she proceeds to ask for the pool instead.  good try baby girl but we can't do that either.

baby girl looooves nap time and bed time.  she's also started requesting naps all. the. time.  i normally feed her lunch right before nap so now she thinks that she can ask for a nap after every meal and snack.  so sometimes our days look like this.  wake up and get out of bed.  eat breakfast.  done with breakfast.  "nap?  i want nap."  hmmm.  what to do when your kid is throwing a massive tantrum because you won't let them take a nap at 9:30, 11:30, or any other time of the morning?!  nap time is at 2.  you can have a nap at 1:30 if you're particularly devilish but don't try it.

baby girl's vocabulary is still exploding.  communication with her these days is so easy that it's getting more difficult for me to notice when she says new words and phrases.  tonight she heard the garage door and exclaimed "daddy's home!" as she ran to the door.  it wasn't until my honey walked in that i realized that's the first time she's said that.  normally she'll just say "daddy!" or "there's daddy!" so this was definitely new.  other frequent and useful words include on and off... who would have guessed?!  if she wants to, she'll pick up on new words the first time she hears it like one time when my christopher referred to her little toys/figurines as "guys" when he said "go pick up your guys."  it stuck hardcore.  now it's always "i want guys."  "there's more guys."  and "it's guys' nap" as she lays them all on their backs on the sofa.  when we were eating popcorn several weeks ago she picked up that it was called popcorn and was constantly requesting more pop.  tonight she saw a picture of homemade bagels online (sawah, we were looking at all of your facebook mobile uploads because baby girl saw the picture on my newsfeed of joshua eating and requested to see more baby eat.  and then we scrolled through a million pictures of yours... literally a million) and commented "cake!  that's more cake!" which is pretty impressive because she is very rarely in contact with cake.  on the opposite note.  there are certain things she refuses to say.  she will not say "sorry" "night night" or "thank you."  she still blows a kiss for thank you (her version of the sign language) maybe out of pure laziness?  who knows because although she won't say "thank you" she will say "no thank you" because i've started requiring that.  when i offer her things i prompt her that the answer is either "yes please" or "no thank you" although tonight she started saying "no please" so i guess we still have a ways to go.  she's also randomly said stuff like "excuse me" as she pushed past chris to get through a small space and a million other random things that always surprise me when they happen.  it just blows my mind how many sentence combinations she uses and the number of new words she says every day.

and as somewhat mentioned above... she thinks the only purpose of a laptop is to look at pictures of babies. so we both enjoy spending our time online browsing blogs and facebook albums.  she also thinks the only purpose of a blackberry is to watch clifford.  "i want more woof."  ironically, she's pretty bored with the ipad but maybe that's because we only have random boring free kid apps on there.  any recommendations for FREE apps she might like?  leave a comment and i'll pass them along to my honey.  although it's not suuuper urgent because she only sees it during sacrament at church and she's also fine without it.  today she was an angel and i was smothering her with kisses for that whole first hour.  i love my kid all the time but i really do love her more when she's wonderfully behaved.  and she doesn't care about my cell phone.  rarely she'll request to see baby pictures on my phone but they're so small and i'm so lazy that i normally just say no and she moves on to the next thing.

pregnancy posts will start happening soon.  i need to get on that for my sake because i have so much going on in my head that i need to get out.  i visited my dear friend, used-to-be-pregnant chelsey in the hospital saturday night and it got me so insanely excited to have a baby.  with baby girl, my recovery experience in and out of the hospital with pure absolute misery... my own personal version of hell.  and when i went to visit chelsey she just looked so happy.  she was friends with the nurses, her room was really nice, she was moving around just great, she looked super cute (of course) and happy and it just gave me hope that maybe my experience this time around won't be like my first.  soooo, thank you all for the congratulations and well wishes... we are beyond excited and loving every minute of this thing we call the present.


ok said...

I love when you're pregnant because it makes me so happy. Am I a weird friend or what?? SO happy for you, and if you need to send baby girl somewhere while you're pregnant, feel free to send her to the Ellsworths. :)

Lyndel said...

I laughed hard when I read that baby girl says " I want guys" :)

So glad you're having an awesome pregnancy!

Love you friend.

Marianne said...

Fab free apps: toddler coloring( looks like a flower), pocket phonics, toddler seek&find, learning touch first words sampler, ABC photo touch, counting lite, abcs and me, flash English. Let me know yours