Saturday, December 22, 2012

breathe easy and thoughts in general

today's "favorite product of the day" award goes out to....

for the past few days, brady has been pretty congested.  and last night and today it was so bad he was having trouble nursing which made for a pretty sleepless night for me (i didn't even put my head on the pillow until close to 5 am) because he would only eat for two minutes at a time before giving up, falling asleep, and then deciding ten minutes later that he'd like to try that eating thing again.  and today the wheezing continued.  not only did the noisy breathing sound so sad and irritated my ocd, but it just seemed like it was getting worse and like his breathing was becoming labored.  

luckily though, today we had our "nurse come to your home" appointment and i wrote down my long list of questions.  when we got to the "my baby has sticky boogers and the bulb suction nose sucker isn't working" question, the nurse suggested these little saline drops.  "just put a few drops in his nose and it'll loosen things up and make him sneeze and you can suction everything out!" sounded too good to be true but later tonight i finally sent my honey to the store again (and laughed in his face at the "man, you keep sending me out to do all this stuff for you!" comments... even though he has been nice to take my car in to get the tires rotated and get a whole list of stuff at walmart today alone) for these little drops.  after several things from this afternoon's walmart trip not being correct (it's really hard to have someone else do your grocery shopping! -- i want SLICED french bread! the coconut milk is in the asian foods aisle! and i like spicy dijon mustard!) i prepped my honey by showing him the above google images photo of what he was looking for, told him it would be about $3.50, gave him a $1 off coupon for the product, and told him it would be in the baby/infant aisle with formula and diapers and stuff and that he could ask a store employee if he had any questions.  when he came home i asked if it went okay (he had the correct item and the receipt showed me he remembered to use the coupon!) and he mumbled something and said it was a pain to find.  it was?  you were looking in the baby aisle?  "well, not at first"  oh honey honey honey, how is it that i think you're listening to me when in all actuality, the words i'm saying never enter your ears?!  like yesterday when i asked him to bring me the baby timer and told him it was either in my purse or somewhere in the kitchen.  he came back a minute later telling me he couldn't find it and asking where he should look for it.  i was confused because i HAD told him where to look but by that time i was already on my way to the kitchen with my latched on child.  and there was the timer, sitting right at the top of my purse.  does anyone else have this issue with their husband?!  it's not like he's trying to do this because honestly, we both know it would be to his benefit, but what is it that makes husbands not hear half the stuff that comes out of a wife's mouth?!

anyways...  the moral of the story is that 1) my first kid was so easy that i feel like a new mom this time around, 2) my husband is being extremely kind and helpful to me, and 3) nurse home visits are  awesome and it makes me wish i lived in the brady bunch time when doctors always came to your home if you needed them!

remember how i was worried about being a traitor to abigail?  well i totally's definitely happening.  i'm going to not elaborate, and instead give it some more days to hopefully resolve itself.  and in the mean time, i just comfort myself by knowing that she is happy as a clam (although rambunctious and defiant at times!) and could care less that i have another little kid to love and care for and blog about.  and random, but will someone tell her to please stop twirling knots in her hair and then ripping them out?  she's going bald on the back right side of her head and she honestly looks like a little boy who's older sibling used a weed whacker to chop his hair.  she's an adorable little girl but looking at her hair makes my heart hurt.

also, i was worried all through my pregnancy that i would have a difficult baby that cried all the time.  and when brady was born, he spent the first two hours of his life screaming bloody murder while he got examined and bathed and everything else.  this scared me because abigail maybe whimpered for a few seconds during her first bath at the hospital but that was all she cried for the first two weeks.  brady cried more in his first two hours than abigail cried in her first two months combined.  this had me worried.  well, i'm happy to report that he's actually getting much happier as he's had more time to adjust to life.  like, he didn't even fuss when i put all those drops in his nose and suctioned out his little baby boogers (took two seconds and provided instant relief and silent, easy breathing!)  i think that was pretty noble of him.  also, i was worried about taking a long time to learn to love him.  well, it seriously only took a day or two and now i love this kid fiercely.  i keep looking at him and thinking, "you're so perfect, it like you were made for me."  and then i remember... he was.

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