Sunday, March 24, 2013


Well that happened fast. Two points for honey for guessing teething.

Brady has a tooth. So I guess that explains why he's been so miserable the past few days. I'm happy to have found a reason but umm, a tooth already?! he's only 13 weeks old!

I felt like baby girl grew up slowly. It took her forever to gain weight and outgrow clothes and grow hair and everything else. And it took her six and a half months to get a tooth. Like she was teething for at least two or three months before a tooth sprouted. Brady just started drooling like two weeks ago and he's already got something to show for it!

Also, teething sucks. Baby girl just finished teething a few weeks ago when she got her remaining three molars. Just in time for us to start the fun with Brady!

This boy is moving quick and I'm not sure how I feel about it. One thing I do feel great about though? This kid's natural inclination to look at the camera and smile. I'm one to take a million pictures but this time I sat him in the chair, took this picture, and called it a day. "Got it!"

1 comment:

Lydia said...

My babies all got their teeth super fast. Brody just broke in all of his molars in January. The only good thing about it is they get used to it early on and it never really bothered them much when they got a few months older and it was still happening. Good luck though!!