Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dinner time conversation

I'm havin' a hard time.
I'm havin' a hard time with my food.

Mommy is so big!  (umm, i guess i need to stop looking so pregnant?)

I want a purple cookie.  (those sugar cookies we made)

My sleeves fell down!

I wanna sit like this! (Weird face and position)

I want more white milk. This is special. (We bought milk from King Soopers this time and it has a white cap... baby girl's whole milk has a red cap and my walmart skim milk has a pink cap... so this was new to her... and apparently very intriguing.)

The bubbles broke off! (talking about the milk)

I'm eating my zoo-kitty! (Zucchini)

I peed! I peed a little!  (she hadn't actually... but that's normally what she says when she's about to)
Okay. Don't do that anymore and you can go potty when we clean you up.  Just finish your food.
I need to keep me dry.

I wanna get out and watch James of the best!  (y'know... like percy of the best)

having a hard time.  with her quesadilla.

i love when she drinks like this to avoid her hands getting her sippy dirty.
And that concludes the highlight reel of our dinner time conversation tonight.

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