Saturday, March 30, 2013

easter festivities

today was another awesome day.

maybe the sun was a little too bright.
makes me look like one of those bloggers that doesn't post pictures of their child's face.
baby girl was all up in this tree... got every last egg.
we went to the egg hunt in my in laws neighborhood.  it was legit.  skittles, starbursts, these sugar coated lifesaver gummis...  loving the eater candy.  baby girl liked it too dangit.
easter bunny
honey and i posed for this family picture sans brady.
for some reason baby girl didn't want to actually bounce in the bounce house but she loved standing at the base of the slide and watching the kids go down.  she looked precious in a sad sort of way.  made me laugh.
happy easter from the hilliers!  we're starting to look like a real family!  just wait til we add our next five kids.  juuuust kidding.  three more will probably suffice.
abigail likes to know what the words say on all of her clothes and brady's.  chris was unaware of this tonight when i was at the young women's broadcast and he was at home with the kids... apparently a humorous and confusing situation went down when abigail repeatedly pointed to brady's shirt while telling chris "it's you big guy!"  "it says it's you big guy!"  ha.
mother son picture.  i know it's silly but having a son makes me feel so special.  not sure why but it 100% does.
hard at work
baby girl came to me sooooo thrilled that she put on her shirt all by herself!  (she's been dressing herself more and more lately and is getting really good at it!)  she excitedly looked down to show me thomas and... umm... immediately became frantic that she couldn't see him.  ha.  
don't worry.  i helped her remedy the situation.
and we all lived happily ever after.  ps- i got her these pjs in 2T for christmas.  they shrunk a lot after the first washing.  luckily they went on clearance and i picked up bigger pj's for $3.  let the pj love live on!
honey woke up at 5:30 or something insanely early to play drop in hockey this morning.  then he took a nap this afternoon and then he fell asleep tonight sometime around 8 30 while i cleaned up the kitchen and got baby girl to bed.  i may have been slightly annoyed that he went to bed before our kid (to his credit, he actually got brady to sleep tonight before i got home from the yw broadcast!) but i thought it was no big deal since i was about to put abigail to bed anyways.  well, i was telling my sister emmy about this the other day but baby girl's ocd is getting a little out of control lately.  especially when it comes to bedtime.  tonight i made the trek up our stairs probably FIFTEEN times in the space of an hour.  our bedroom is downstairs and it seemed like as soon as i got in bed, i'd hear her on the monitor again.  the main issues of tonight were...

i need another hug
i need another kiss
my sippy cup is making noises (this accounted for at least four or five of the trips upstairs)
i have boogers, i need a tissue! (and then after i wiped her nose it was "throw it in the garbage!!!")
say goodnight!!!! (i literally walked in, said goodnight, and walked out again)
i have tears.  i have two tears.  (needing me to wipe her tears with her blanket... or just instruct her to do it herself)
i need my nightlight on! (because it's been sooo long that the timer reached its limit and the light went off)

the other night i went up and down those stairs three times at 1am with baby girl's random requests and then two times again at 2 am for brady.  i told emmy, this would all be severely annoying if i wasn't laughing at the humor of it all.  i used to go up and down those stairs four or five times a day.  now, it's got to be at least THIRTY.  and when it's between the hours of 9pm and 9am, you just can't help but laugh about it.  i mean, what other option is there?!

here's to another night!


ok said...

Abigail and the slide. I kind of died. She kills me with her adorableness!

Lyndel said...

I love Brady's little faces. Too cute! And I love your family photo... could totally be used as your yearly "Easter" family photo you can send out!