Tuesday, March 26, 2013

baby girl is growing up

there are not enough hours in the day to do everything on my to do list.  but yet somehow i spent one of those hours today just looking at pictures of baby girl and brady that i've taken over the last year.  i can't believe how much brady has matured and filled out already.  he's still small for his age but he's not the wrinkly, scrawny little newborn he was just a few months ago.  and a year ago baby girl was still just a baby!  now, we have real conversations and her average sentence is about ten words long.  i could go on and on about all the things she does that amaze me every day but i'll just post these pictures and go to bed instead.  lately she seems much less like a toddler and more like a little girl.  she is so mature and still wise beyond her years.

this morning after my mostly failed attempt at taking pictures of brady, i thought it'd be fun to attempt to take a few pictures of abigail.  i used the exact same setup that i used with brady and even had her sit in his bumbo.  she loooves that bumbo.  it started out slow but picked up and we had a lot of fun.  she's a jokester for sure.
check out this awesome setup... i'm a pretty legit photographer.
just keepin' it real.  this was what things looked like when i zoomed out.
and then she look apart my photography studio aka a blanket draped over a cushion propped up by a suitcase.
she was pretty smug about it.
i told her to jump on this cushion and she got way happy.
and she awarded me four cool mom points.
i see baby carrie in this picture too.  anyone else getting sick of me saying that?
as if her personality and everything else about her wasn't perfect, she's got these incredible eyes and precious smile too.  she may not have amazing locks, but i still find her breathtakingly gorgeous.

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