Monday, March 18, 2013

best friends

these two love each other.  lots.

they love working on stuff together... not just side by side.
to the point that they share a chair while they do puzzles.
and they love getting their picture taken together.
elle was reading stories to abigail and the stuff she was coming up with was hilarious.
more reading
i heard them tell me that pooh bear was in the swing.  i have no idea how they got him in there but they all wanted their picture together.
brady got the shaft and was stuck in the bouncer in the corner
they get along so well.  they were so good about taking turns, sharing, saying please and thank you and everything else.  i loved when i walked by as one of them sneezed.  "bless you" "thank you" "you're welcome" and didn't even pause their playing.  i was impressed.

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