Thursday, March 7, 2013

back to our party of four

i'm so sad.  mother and emmy went home today.  we all woke up early and were out the door by a little after 8:30.  both kids ate breakfast in the car on our way to the airport.  we dropped em off and then headed to cousin sara's house for a delicious coffee cake, bacon, and watermelon brunch.  we hung out for over an hour just catching up and baby girl was in heaven playing with lizzy and eva.  they all got along so well it was like they'd known each other forever.  then it was back to the airport to drop mom off and we were home before one.  the weather could not have been more glorious and we played on the driveway for a while... baby girl riding her bikes and brady lounging in his carseat, smiling for my camera.  something about good weather always makes me feel like "it doesn't get any better than this" which was definitely a good thing since i don't do well with the end of vacations or family leaving town.  the sunny t-shirt weather was my therapy, helping me cope with the loss of the last of the party.

brady and baby girl took naps while i did a few loads of laundry and attempted to get the house cleaned up a bit.  i still have a long way to go.  not like it's trashed (how could it be with my mother constantly doing my dishes and putting things away for me?!) but i have a lot of organizing to do... and i still have to wash and change the sheets on two more beds.  two down, two to go... i'm halfway there!

my honey got home a little after seven and honestly, it felt like he was getting in from out of town... i feel like i've barely seen him or spent any quality time with him in a week since i've just been so focused on hanging out with my family.  and i only spent a few minutes of my time with him telling him how much i'm going to miss waking up in the morning with mom and em and how i was totally spoiled that they would get abigail up and dressed and fed and play with her while i was trying to roll out of bed or get brady up and ready for the day.  spoiled that they're not cooking (i gained three pounds this week), cleaning (mostly my mother), and entertaining my kids and me every second of the day.  i'm wondering how long it'll take baby girl to stop asking about grandpa, grandma, and emmy... where they are and how much she misses them.  i'm kind of wondering the same thing about myself too.

i don't transition well with stuff like this.  i was in mourning for over a week after i got home from my trip to atlanta last september.  this will be hard too.  despite the pain, nostalgia brings, i will attempt to write catchup posts from the last... ummm, two weeks?  yikes, i've been sucking lately.

and fyi, sucking = busy.

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