Wednesday, March 20, 2013

a busy saturday

saturday was awesome.  we got in some quality family time, honey and i went on a date to the avs game, i chaperoned the youth dance that night, and brady houdini'd out of honey's swaddle.  what more could you hope for?!

seriously?  i got both kids to look at the camera and my honey has his eyes closed?!  sadly, this isn't even the first or second time this has happened.  he's a repeat offender.
this is a denver nuggets player and he always makes me think of diana... so i texted her this picture.  raise your hand if you know why!
this was one of those awkward angle pictures that makes your body look enormous and your head look tiny.  cropped, i was able to salvage a picture of us on a date!  success!
this was right as the avs scored a goal, so maybe i started getting up to cheer instead of actually getting the goal in the shot.
with our friends, the hackings.
just a random shot of the pepsi center.  if this was in atlanta it'd probably be called coca cola arena or something.  hearing "pepsi" is still weird to me so i don't associate it with the beverage.
i got home from chaperoning the dance to find brady like this.  he pulled his hand out of his pj's and out of the sleep sack, up through the neck.
ha, i didn't even know that was physically possible.  apparently he's a houdini like baby girl was.
 it was rushed and a bit hectic at times, but all in all an awesome day.

1 comment:

Diana C. said...

Love you Carrie! You make me laugh so much. I hadn't thoughout about "McGee' in awhile.....I told Omar the story. He's amused :)