Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Atlanta trip summary

Man!  I have done a horrible job of posting since I got to Atlanta!  It has been a busy trip and tons of fun. Yet somehow I still have a whole list of stuff I haven't gotten to. Always so many people to see and so much to do... Never enough time. 

Anyways, lets try to recap a bit before I forget even more. 

Monday- flew to Atlanta, and went straight to girls night. Which lasted til after 3 am. Glorious. 
Tuesday- Christmas Eve. Slept in, hung out at the house, wrapped presents, went caroling, Christmas Eve traditions. 
Wednesday- Christmas!  Evelskivers, presents, turkey dinner, bowling, more eating. 
Thursday- hung out, vickery creek hike, drove to the farm. 
Friday- on the farm!  Boated in the pond, Abigail drove the truck, took pictures on the tractors and walked around the barn. Ate lots of fried catfish and hush puppies.   So so so good. Left at four and drove home. The kids were wonderfully behaved. 
Saturday- went to the aquarium. 
Sunday- church, everyone over for cafe rio pork dinner. Watched home videos. Liz thought three year old Carrie was current day Abigail. 
Monday- Em and family left, we all hiked kennesaw mountain. Cold. Fussy Brady. 
Tuesday- New Year's Eve. Brady cried the entire day. Hung out at home with mom and dad. Chris worked all day. Hung curtains with dad. Abigail smeared toe blood all over the carpet. Parties at Liza's. excellent dinner and treats. Sequence and funglish. Brady kept crying. Abigail power napped on the way over and eventually went to sleep with Skye and will. We rang in the new year watching college football highlights. 
Wednesday- New Year's Day!  Woke at 10, breakfast. Diana and Omar came over from 11-12!  Change of plans, Brady napped while I got organized, did laundry and packed. Left at 2:30 for stone mountain. Abigail was horribly whiny, Brady's appetite picked up again and he was in better spirits except tht he cried the entire way down the mountain. Abigail still a disaster all the way until bedtime. Except eating dinner. She was a wonderful dinner companion for me. Brady went to bed perfectly easy without a problem. Gives me hope that he might behave or my parents. 

It's been a good visit although the kids have been horrible. Brady cries anytime I leave his sight and frequently needs to be rocked to sleep or I have to wait by his pack n play until after he falls asleep. Abigail is whiny as her first resort if something isn't going her way, it's like she's forgotten all manners and how to communicate like a civilized human being. Also, she's afraid of sleeping by herself and Chris has been laying by her at night til she falls asleep. And then she wakes up once during the night crying as loud as she possibly can while making her way to my bedroom and then crying that she doesn't want to go I sleep and don't leave her. Traveling with kids is a struggle. Which is sad because I wish my friends and family had the opportunity to get to know my sweet and happy kids instead of the little terrors I have with me when I travel out of town. 

Despite all of this, Atlanta has been spectacular and had completely flown by. I'm glad I get another day here when I come back to pick up my kids. 

*by the way, I'm headed to Hawaii for some much needed alone time with my honey. Many thanks to my amazing parents for watching the kids for the next ten days. 

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