Friday, January 24, 2014

Top 10 and food poisoning

Reasons my day was great: 

1. The kids didn't wake up til 8:45 (they've been waking up between 7:30 and 7:45 since they stared sleeping together) and then occupied themselves for half an hour until I went up to get them. 
2. We all had a delicious breakfast of oatmeal, pears, and a chocolate peanutbutter banana smoothie. 
3. We made it to story time at the library only a few minutes late and without any yelling! 
4. We got a bunch of new books from the library. We haven't checked out anything new for over a month because we've been gone and  I forgot how I excited I get to bring home a stack of new books. 
5. On our way home from the library, I dropped Abigail by the church to play with Elle and managed, just barely to keep Brady awake til we got home at noon. 
6. Through a series of happy events, Brady napped from 12:30 til 5 and Abigail played with Elle from noon to four and then watched played on her own/watched tv for an hour til Brady got up. I was on my own for basically 4.5 hours... Cleaning. It was much needed. 
7. Honey got home by 5:45! 
8. We went to outback (gotta use up the bounce back cards before they expire) and the lady let us use two so we enjoyed a $43 meal for three dollars. And everything we ordered was fabulous. We went a few weeks ago and I wasn't terribly impressed with our food but this time we got spinach artichoke dip and I ordered the sirloin and coconut shrimp with creamy onion soup and a loaded sweet potato and loved all of it. 
9. Both kids went to bed easy. It's not anything new, they go to bed great together... But I still think it's wonderful. 
10. For the first time since we got home last Monday, both kids slept through the night (well I know I heard a kid wake up and fuss but it was only for a few seconds and I'm not even sure which one it was) and didn't wake up til after 8 and then played for half an hour til I got them... 12 hours!  It gives me hope! 

And one terrible thing: 

1. I got food poisoning from dinner. I've been sick before but it must have always been a 24 hour bug because while this only lasted less than four hours, my stomach was in such violent pain and I vomited more in one time than I have ever before. It came on so suddenly when I was reading articles on my phone before bed. I went from fine to hot, migraine, clenching violent stomach pain* sometime around 10:30. Eventually I fell asleep (the kind where you're dreaming that you're awake in bed, writhing in pain)  and woke up at midnight to the most extreme vomiting episode ever. Luckily I'd had the good sense to set up towels and a trash can by the side of my bed. So after cleaning all that up and brushing my teeth and setting up the trash can again I was able to fall asleep (once again dreaming that I was awake in my bed, in extreme stomach pain) until 1:30 or so when I threw up again (although there wasn't much left in me) and it was done. I still felt crappy but I actually had a normal dream (Chris and I took the kids to some tropical location for vacation and snuck inside a historical library of sorts and accidentally got locked in and had to sneak out) and didn't wake up til 7:45 when Chris was leaving for work. Let me tell you how relieved I was to wake up feeling normal (although ravenously hungry and a little weak) and okay!  Let's hope to avoid food poisoning for another long time to come! 

* I kid you not, this stomach pain was so intense I was doing hypnobirthing breathing because the clenching in my stomach felt like contractions from when I was in labor with Brady (although probably only at a 6 or so) and while I'm happy to report that the hypnobirthing breathing lessened my pain to almost nothing, it was only when I inhaled... And when I exhaled, I went right back to wanting to die. ; )  anyone else tried birthing techniques for food poisoning before? 

1 comment:

ok said...

Sorry to hear about your terrible food poisoning! I've had it a few times (one from a sandwich in the ATL airport, and another when I found out I was allergic to avocado) and it is the WORST. There's nothing you can do or take to get it to stop until your body has rid itself of the food! And it's amazing how VIOLENT the barfs are until you get it all out. And then your tummy feels gooey for the next few days while you recover. Feel better. And CALL OUTBACK TO TELL THEM.