Friday, January 17, 2014

When real life is more fun than Hawaii

Today was amazing. A week ago I was in Hawaii, kayaking and hiking through a rainforest and hanging out with my husband on a cruise ship with fancy dinners and fun entertainment. It was glorious. 

Today was even better. 

Abigail was so happy and less stubborn than usual. She even wore this shirt she has refused to wear for the past two months. And she didn't rip out the flower I put in her hair. 

I finally got my Christmas blendtec out of the box and made my very first recipe from the blendtec book. Of course it was hummus. The texture was so smooth like regular store bought hummus. That was my main frustration of making hummus... Using a reuse blender didn't get it smooth enough and I still had to semi chew it. Not anymore! 

Brady is the most incredible little kid ever. I literally tear up when I think of what a miserable guy he was a year ago and how he cried all day every day. Now, he only needs his binky in his crib and our nap and bedtime routine consists of a new diaper and then putting him in his crib. Thanks to my mom's tip: put the binky in the crib and then he doesn't want to be rocked, he just lunges for the crib and then I exit the room and he puts himself to sleep. I wont lie, I miss the snuggles but it has made for a seamless transition coming home from a three week vacation. He has had zero problems adjusting. He is an absolute joy to be around. 

Abigail went to Elle's house on Wednesday and today Elle came over here. They play so well together. They never fight and if they disagree, they work it out without my assistance. They actually never ask for my help with anything. It is amazing because I am helping a friend out, I'm giving my daughter her very favorite entertainment, and I get time to myself to hang out with Brady and get stuff done. 

When I put Brady down for a nap I decided I wouldn't try quiet time with Abigail. I would just do my own thing and see if she did her own (quiet time eater day was her monitoring me from the stairs constantly asking questions and telling me she was ready to be done with quiet time)  and it worked out really well. I told her I would be cleaning the bathroom (my countertops became more  dumping grounds) and she actually asked if she could help. I have her a spray bottle of water and an absorbent rag and she went to town on my bath tub and shower for over an hour. And get this... She was quiet!  Except when she said sweet and precious things like "I'm cleaning this where the water comes out!" Then she cleaned some of Brady's toys... With a new and clean rag. 

Brady?  He's talking more and more. Today he signed "more" for the first legit time. It was because he wanted me to keep throwing a blanket on him and Abigail to play peekaboo. And then he did again during dinner. But I had to prompt him both times. Oh well. I totally dropped the ball this time with baby signs. But I love hearing him semi talk (it's mostly just correct syllables and voice intonation) and I love when he understands me and does what I say. He's really good when I tell him to come back to his room to out his binky away meh crawls back and when I pick him up, he throws his binky in the crib. It's kind of hilarious and always makes Abigail and me crack up. 

I love my life. 

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