Sunday, July 12, 2015

Beach Sunday

It is so cool to me that I have three kids. It's so much better than two. 

And that this precious baby is mine. I love just staring at her and watching her sleep. 

We got to church early. By at least five minutes! Here's the beach group for 2015. 

Our family. Everyone except for Darren and the kids because they weren't able to come this year. 


Original sisters... Oldest to youngest. 

Dads and their new babies. 

I agree with chris who said... "I think our kids are sabotaging our family photo."  It's true. At one point, Abigail even had her arm up my skirt. Here are my favorite outtakes and our best actual picture. Ha. 

Pure sweetness. 

Abigail went with Marianne and lucy to the row house to play during quiet time. Chris laid down with Brady for a nap, Elizabeth napped, and I got a bed to myself to nap. It was glorious. Brady woke up by almost falling off the bed. ; )

And then cuddling with me. And Elizabeth's sneaky photobomb feet. 

Cousins. Skye and Elizabeth. 

We have four beach birthdays this year. We celebrated and sang to the three kids. Abigail, Jackson, and chase. 

Abigail wanted everyone to help her clow the candles out so they all blew on the count of three. 

Brady got festive with a party hat. 

We all gathered for Nepal night and saw pictures from the Nepal part of the trip that mom and dad and aunt Merrilee and aunt Jane went on during the earthquake. It was a lot of fun. 

Elizabeth seemed so wide awake and unsettled two minutes before this picture was taken. I handed her to aunt Jane and instantly her eyelids got slow and heavy. So sweet. 

And then when most people had faded off to bed, some aunts and girl cousins stayed up to watch mama Mia. I had low expectations for some reason but it was super cute and entertaining. I loved it. By the time I went to bed, Elizabeth had been asleep in my arms for three hours. Not my smartest move, but it was definitely the right choice. I love hanging out with my family. 

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