Monday, September 11, 2017

library art stop on the go

just one more time that I got distracted with something else I needed to do and then didn't get back to Andrew until he'd already put himself to sleep.

I'm still so confused by this.  it's like September 11th this year never happened.  I dressed Abigail in red white and blue for school thinking that they'd talk about it at school and maybe even have a little assembly or something.  nope.  but because of that, Brady went upstairs and grabbed this outfit for Elizabeth so she was patriotic.  seriously though, I dropped Abigail at school and I thought at least some other people would be wearing red, white, and blue but really it was just normal clothes and a lot of orange.  that's what it was.  broncos spirit day.

how cute is she though?!?!

Brady thinks it's so cool that he can read whole books.  we have the first set from the library right now and he can completely read four or five of the 12.

once a month, our library has art stop on the go from 4:30-5:30 and they do a story and then a craft.  I like that the craft is normally really open ended.  Abigail LOVES the crafts they do.

Abigail was literally doing back flips off of her stool.  repeatedly.

also, got some books from our hold section.

Brady was the first one done but we stayed for over half an hour more because Abigail was really in to working on hers.

Elizabeth washed my feet.  I'm practically Jesus.

and cinderella.

pampering at its finest.

busy girl.

she made this fairy.  that's a real zipper for the waist band.  we named her "Abigail the crafts fairy."

you can see people practicing for the Thursday concert this week.  pretty fun.

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