Thursday, November 29, 2012

Come again?!

i am constantly amazed every day at the stuff that is coming out of baby girl's mouth.  and i don't just mean when she sneezes.  she is saying the most hilarious stuff and her commentary is awesome.  my short term memory doesn't work so this will all be very poorly documented but here are just a few things i want to remember.

last night honey and baby girl got in some quality father daughter bonding while i was gone at a presidency meeting.  when i came home both of them were in bed and when i woke up, honey had already left for work.  so as baby and i were walking from the playground to the car this morning i asked her about what she did last night playing with daddy and she couldn't stop talking about pooh bear.  somehow she explained that she watched pooh bear on the big tv last night with daddy.  i didn't even know this was an option but apparently he'd dvr'd a piglet/pooh bear movie of some sort and she couldn't stop smiling and laughing through it all (this was all confirmed through text this afternoon).  yeay sweet girl!  your record for telling me true stories is improving!

baby girl was in the kitchen with me today before nap and she pulled her dirty bib off the counter.  so i said "hey, would you go put that in the washing machine?" to which she immediately said "pllleeeaseee!"  and i about died laughing.  my child just called me out on not saying please.  i wish words could accurately portray the tone in her voice but she was correcting my manners!  so i said please and she was laughing because i was laughing and she happily put that thing in the washer.  then made several requests about needing help with the buttons and how it wasn't getting wet and that it was still dry.

i know i've mentioned it before but one of her favorite things to do these days is grab a chair from our kitchen table and then pull it over to stand on so she can check out what's going on on the kitchen counters.  this is called "standing" and the most frequent phrase is "i want abigail stand."

also, i'm sure it's probably been going on a while and i just haven't been observant enough but this afternoon i also noticed her putting everything in the past tense (well, everything that actually should be placed in past tense) and including "ed" on the end of words that don't follow that conjugation.  like if she fell down it was "i fall down" or "abigail fall down" and now it's "i felled down."  i can't remember the other examples.

also pertaining to time, she's appropriately using "today" and "tonight" when telling me when things happened or when she wants to do things.  she'll tell us that she wants to watch thomas today but that she wants to watch elmo tonight.  ha, she's got it all mapped out.

for a child that rarely says "no" (it's always a different way to phrase that thought), she says "don't" quite a bit, especially in combination with "like."  like today when i got her out of her carseat she'd taken off her socks and shoes.  "abigail don't wear socks right now" and "i don't like socks" were part of her side of the conversation and then she could agree with me when i said "you wouldn't like to wear socks right now?"  also, if one of her friends is bullying her (don't ask why but she prefers those friends above the more polite ones) she'll be whining/backing away from them saying "i don't!  i don't!"  which i can only assume is short for i don't like that or i don't want to share yet or something.  like when lucy was trying to talk her into wearing a dressup skirt and abigail kept repeating "i doooonnnn'tttt!"  so she's transitioned (at least partly) from stuff like "all done wearing socks" to stuff like "i don't like socks" and it's honestly the cutest thing.  i'm loving the "don't."

i'm also just loving the growing vocabulary.  what she says on a regular basis is still not too widespread but i'm coming to learn that she has the ability to say anything she wants.  today she brought me a book and said "i want mommy read thomas and the great discovery" and i about fell over because i've never heard her call that book by it's full name before.  it's also fun to hear her say stuff like "egg nog" because toddler talk is the cutest thing ever.

so is toddler singing.  she's got a variety of songs on her repertoire... the newest being "head shoulders knees and toes" which i've never heard her sing before and today she was singing it on repeat.  and very accurately!  and with motions!  ummm where did that come from?!  took me by surprise.

today when we were at the playground abigail wanted a snack but i literally had nothing at all in my purse that was edible.  so then abigail kept saying "i wanna have a treat at home.  mommy don't have treats in abigail's purse."  ha, yup.

this afternoon after lunch abigail came running downstairs from her room saying "i'm naked!!!  i got elmo!!!!"  it was hilarious.  my friend sarah, aka baby's santa, sent her these christmas elmo jammies (and those pink skinnies in our ice skating pictures) and to say abigail is obsessed would be the understatement of the century.  this kid cracks me up.

"i'm naked!  i got elmo!!!"

reading thomas and the great discovery

dropped it.
and of course there's a million and one things i don't have time to mention and another million things i'm forgetting.  but man, this kid is so cute i can hardly stand it.

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