Friday, November 9, 2012

pictures from today

here's just a few pictures from this morning.

baby girl was eating a slice of french bread when she stopped and excitedly told me, "it's a rocking horse!" as she stood it on it's crust.  it was convincing.
and then she ate a few more bites and told me that this was a "baby dog" or a "baby's dog" or something like that. i'm still confused what she meant.
she was in such a happy mood.
this is my view from my kitchen table.  every single morning it's so gorgeous and i absolutely love it.
honey took baby girl to get a thomas train and a toby train wednesday night.  48 hours later and she hasn't parted with them yet.
she cracked me up this morning insisting that her bib was actually a purse.
at first i thought she was using thomas a phone,
until i realized that she was just driving him on her head.
this is her new favorite thing to do while i get ready.  she gets exactly like this (stroller and location and all) and says, "i wanna play hide and seek!!!"
 i was recording the most adorable video of us playing hide and seek like this and then suddenly my camera screen went black and the video didn't save.  i don't know if the battery compartment came lose (it's held together with rubber bands) or what but i'm still so sad i don't have a video of hide and seek.  i'll have to try again next time we're playing.

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