Monday, November 19, 2012

not so subliminal messaging

i have so many posts to catch up on from this weekend it's overwhelming me.  not saying much because i'm so easily overwhelmed but still.  so because i'm kinda brain dead (and don't have time) right now, here are some videos (from yesterday) instead.

the first video is illustrating the sassy attitude baby girl has randomly started developing.

the second video was baby girl needing to eat but not really into her food, probably because she wasn't feeling well.  she'd eaten some avocado but was super anti the tomato i'd cut up for her.  honey started singing randomly and then to our surprise, baby girl actually started eating it!  and finished every last bit.  i had tears in my eyes from trying so hard to suppress my laughter... baby girl kept telling christopher that mommy was sad.  ha.  anyways... here's three of the millions of videos i took last night.

that last video is honey washing the avocado out of baby's hair.  dad-style.

just kidding... in our family that's the mom-style too.


EmmyLou said...

laughed out loud at those! I love that she so willingly ate the tomato while Chris sang. That's one to remember!

ok said...

One day in the future Abigail will look back at those videos and realize what a great dad she has :) Such a funny sweet moment! Chris's song was AWESOME!