Sunday, November 18, 2012

delighting in my baby's sorrows

friday morning baby woke up with a hacking cough.  she'll cough so hard it looks like she's gonna gag and choke but when she's done she's totally unfazed.  she hasn't acted sick at all but i've kept her away from other kids and had honey stay home with her from church today.  well, she took a super short nap and according to honey (i was at choir practice), "she woke up coughing so hard she couldn't breathe and she was crying about it."  and the rest of the night she's actually been acting kinda sick.

i'm ashamed to say that i'm enjoying it.  she's being so cute and so cuddly and when she's happy she's just soooo happy.  heavenly father had to have made sick kids so cute on purpose.  it's adorable.

i love that when she gets real sleepy when we read, that she'll curl right up and rest her head on my belly.  it's like a miniature cuddle with my two kids.

1 comment:

ok said...

Uh oh, Carrie, it kind of sounds like whooping cough. You may want to take Abigail in to get her checked out. My mom had whooping cough a few summers ago and it was the very same thing - a hacking cough that was so bad she almost choked and gagged. If baby girl isn't better soon please take her in!