Tuesday, November 20, 2012


i had an awesome birthday today.

last night i went to bed super early so i woke up bright eyed at 7am and got to see my honey for a few minutes before he left for work.  what a perfect start to my day!

i hung out in bed for a bit and then talked to emmy for a while until my phone started beeping at me for low battery and dropped the call.

then i got in the shower and got dressed and made and ate a nice leisurely breakfast.

i'd heard baby girl playing in her crib for a while so around 10, i popped her out and brought her down for breakfast.  she wasn't having it.  her runny nose and cough were noticeably better but her attitude wasn't.

so then we went to the library for story time and hung out til noon when we left to go meet my wonderful mother in law for lunch.

i got my usual at johnny carino's (i looove that place and highly recommend the wedge salad and grilled chicken bowtie festival) and the three of us had sooo much fun.  it was great because it was the only part of the day that was different than usual but it was enough to make it feel special and different.

we went home and had nap time which didn't go perfectly smoothly but went well enough.  honey came home at 5 30 and brought me my birthday present and kept repeating that he couldn't believe i didn't know what it was.  it was a new phone!  i immediately broke out in a full body sweat that was equal parts excitement to have an awesome phone and fear that i wouldn't be able to keep it safe and whole.

we got baby up from nap, ate some dinner, and were off!  first to verizon to switch over my contacts, then to gotcha for some frozen yogurt, and then to walmart and target to look at phone cases.

my whole day has just been perfectly wonderful!  the past few years of birthdays have kept getting thwarted for whatever reason, mostly travel and thanksgiving, and today was so pleasantly typical with spices of birthday lunch and frozen yogurt.  sooo grateful for today!

[pictures to be added later!]

woke up to this gorgeousness.  i love the view out the back of our house.

seriously... the weather was perfection.  bright and sunny but not quite "hot."

i'm not kidding... my phone sucked.  

yeay!  welcome to the day, baby girl!

at johnny carino's

she put this napkin on her head and then placed her bow on top.

she was seriously so fun.  i think grandma puts her in a silly happy mood.

my sweet mother in law also brought me baby boy's completed blanket and burp cloths!

i'm in love with the fabric.

in case you didn't know... crocheting takes for-ev-er.  i did a similar blanket for my nephew and it took over 40 hours. it's a labor of love.

other side fabric

my birthday present.  it's hilarious that i didn't noticed the verizon logo when honey brought the bag in. although he said he tried to cover it with his hand.

see how red my face got?!  first picture: normal.  this picture: sunburned. or shocked.

hers and his frozen yogurt.

take one

take two

take one

take two.  it pays to take that second shot.  sometimes.
so there you have it!  my birthday was everything i could have hoped for and so much more!  here's to another amazing year!


EmmyLou said...

I almost told you yesterday that you should get a phone for your birthday! I'm so excited! Yay for a better battery and no hand me down phone.

Bryan and Carolyn Turnage said...

You are officially a big girl now. I know you fear change, but just try to embrace it and enjoy it. Good luck!!!!

Paige Taylor Evans said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY (a day late...)!!!!!