Tuesday, November 13, 2012


i'm a huge fan of our public library.  not only does it have the benefits of a normal library (free books!), but it also has story time THREE times a day, FIVE days a week!  sooo we go to the library at least once a week and normally get between five and ten books.  i keep track of all of our books online and renew them online too.  you get books for three weeks before you have to renew them and you can renew them up to EIGHT times so sometime back in april or may i decided it wasn't necessary to ever return books.  well, after 5.5 months, you WILL hit that 8 times renewed limit and need to return some books.  just in case you were wondering.  i had a few books i needed to return because we'd renewed them too many times/someone had placed the book on hold and i decided it was time for a library book cleanse.  we had almost 90 (yes, that's a nine and a zero) items checked out and they were kinda taking over and no longer fitting in the two locations i'd allocated for them.  i picked out the books that needed to be returned and then also picked out books that we hadn't read in a while/i thought were super boring/baby probably wouldn't miss.  and i came up with this...


i was really proud of myself until i got home and checked my library account online.  umm, i still have over 60 items checked out.  it's okay though, so long as they fit next to baby's glider and under the side table in the great room.  

and because i know you only care about pictures of baby girl...


she found this bow/headband yesterday morning when i was organizing and has decided that she prefers it above her other bows.  so when we got home from young womens tonight (honey is out of town... again) she immediately put it on.  look through that above series of pictures again.  notice anything somewhat unusual?

how about that she placed the bow she was wearing on top of her sippy cup so that she could put on her headband?

i know i've said it a million times but she just has this dainty nature about her.  and she's clean and organized and places things with purpose.  like she never just throws her sippy down when she's done with it.  she puts it away or places it next to her if she's still using it.  and the bow?  it would have been easy to just toss it aside but what does she do?  she places it neatly on top of her water.  i didn't notice til after i'd taken all those pictures and stopped to look around for her pink bow.  it cracked me up. 

so here's a video for no reason other than that this is the first time i've taken pictures or video of this precious child in five days or so.  that's gotta be a recent record for me.  and last week baby girl learned what pandora is and developed strong opinions about it that vary depending on her mood.  so that's why part of the video is an interview about pandora.

ps- my favorite part is at 1:06 where she said "i just don't like pandora!"  ha.  i love her voice intonation and that she puts the emphasis on the wrong syllable every time she says "pandora."  and i think the reason she doesn't like pandora is because there's no video to go with the music.  apparently she prefers a visual to go with her audio.


Beth said...

So I just found your blog and was going to just blog-stalk you for awhile but then you posted about the library and, yeah, I can't not comment. I LOVE this. I too have reached the eight-times limit several times (usually with my own books). And I have totally done that: hit 90 items checked out, decided to do a huge library-run, and come home to find out I still have about 60 checked out still (because we checked out some more).

But I'm impressed that your family has hit this kind of library usage this early on! I'm trying to supply a couple of avid readers (7 and 5) in addition to the two-year-old!

Anyway, it's no wonder that the only time I ever run into you anymore, it's at the library. (That said, it's still been awhile! Did I know you were pregnant?! Congratulations!!)

Karen said...

We love love love the library too! We have been faithfully every week since haylee was one. Sometimes twice a week. Haylee and I are already reading chapter books together. All because of story hr. She loves reading!!!