Thursday, November 1, 2012

32 weeks

How far along:   32 weeks  (11.1.12) -  compared to 32 weeks with abigail
Total weight gain/loss: + 22 lbs  
Maternity clothes:  i'm thinking it's not a good sign that my shirts are already starting to get too short.  it's not that my bump is huge (i think my belly is actually smaller this time around... or at least seems that way) but that i'm tall, plus i have a bump, plus shirts have to be insanely long anyways because of the band on maternity jeans.
Sleep:  it's been a good week sleep wise.  i've had dreams but nothing that's super crazy or exhausting.  i sleep through the night just fine and wake up feeling rested.  life is good.
Best moment this week:  i don't know.  maybe tuesday night?  for some reason i had a super fun time at the young men/young women combined activity.  we put on a mystery dinner for them and it was pretty awesome.  and talking to my friend emily... for the first time in almost a year!
Movement:  it's been considerably different this week.  i'm feeling more elbows, knees, shoulders, etc and less abstract punches and kicks.  now it's like i'll see and feel a fist bust out and then roll slowly up and over to the other side of my belly.  i'm also feeling a lot more movement when i'm standing and just moving around in general. there's still lots of kicks and punches, just not as much as before.  
Food cravings:  it's still not great.  i haven't had candy corn in who knows how long and i don't even day dream about egg nog.  most of this week i've been eating breakfast around 9 30ish and then not eating food of substance again until  4 or 4 30 when my headache and hunger is too much to handle.  eating food that i haven't prepared is much easier because somehow food looses its appeal throughout the preparation and cooking process.  maybe that's why i liked the mystery dinner so much last night.  because i had an awesome dinner that i didn't actually cook!  
Gender:  BOY!  it's just like last week.  i can't imagine life with a little baby boy in the mix.  one of these days i need to write down my feelings on this subject in a separate post but i always write completely candidly and i'm more than a little worried about how this all will come off sounding.
What I miss:  my ab muscles.  i feel like a beached whale anytime i'm in bed and i'm trying to rock up the momentum to roll over or something.  also, i really like being the big spoon but my belly is too big so now i always have to be the little spoon.  or heaven forbid, forego spooning altogether.
Milestones:   i've reached the point where people can't resist constantly asking when i'm due.  i feel like i say "right after christmas" about twenty times a day.
Theme: the week of i'm doing okay.  i'm excited to be getting closer but apprehensive as well.  i feel fine a lot and emotionally unstable a lot but never really like myself.  physically sometimes i feel great and other times my back just aches and my body feels heavy.  it's a whole swirl but i just keep telling myself "i'm doing okay" and i'm moving forward.  [insert random FORWARD! joke here]
Extra:  i'm grateful that my crying spells have pretty much all stopped and that i'm not so mean to christopher and that i'm enjoying abigail more but i'm also impatient to things to get exciting again.  i used to be excited about even the simplest things and aspects of my life.  now i can't even get excited about my birthday, thanksgiving, christmas, or having a new baby.  i'm not a huge halloween person but it's still definitely unusual for me to just lay in bed halloween evening and not want to carve a pumpkin or go trick or treating.  last year i was so excited about taking baby girl trick or treating with friends.  this year, i kept saying i was going to invite people to come with us but never could get myself to actually commit to asking anyone.  eventually we just went trick or treating as the three of us and i was crying about six houses in and telling christopher i wanted to go home.  i was able to get my act together and after running into a bunch of people we knew, i was doing better.  then we ran into baby girl's favorite friend elle, and her parents so we joined up with them and went trick or treating way longer than we'd anticipated (since they were just starting out when we joined them).  baby girl filled up her entire candy collecting pumpkin since we were out for close to an hour and a half.  so halloween wasn't a disaster but it was thiiiiis close to being one.  poor christopher.  i'm such a downer these days.  i wish i'd kept better record last time of when the apathy went away.  i know it'll happen eventually, so i'm just waiting it out and continually reminding myself that this is no where as bad as last time.
also, i've seen 140 pretty consistently on the scale this week.  why is it so hard to go up to the next set of tens?  i'm crossing my fingers not to break 150 but i'm not gonna hold my breath.  also, i'm going to start bracing myself for turning 30... even though that's several years off... i'm anticipating it being very difficult.

taken 11.1.12 at 32 weeks

taken 11.1.12 at 32 weeks

1 comment:

ok said...

From the front, it looks like this picture could have been taken a year ago. You look like you haven't gained an ounce other than baby boy!! Gahhhh I hope to look like you when I'm pregnant. And have happy babies like you do. And maybe, just maybe, my baby will say cute things like diaperfly.