Wednesday, August 15, 2012

new crock pot recipe

yesterday i made this recipe for tostada goop.  i served it over rice.  it wasn't anything that blew my mind but it's one of those recipes where you probably have everything on hand and since everything is canned, there's no prep time cutting tons of veggies as is the case for some of the crock pot recipes i really like.

the line up
the finished product
does anyone else use these crock pot liners?!  they're not necessary for everything but for stuff that will have to soak afterwards, it's totally worth it to just throw out the liner and give your crock pot a quick rinse and be done.
i glanced over and saw this and and thought "WHAT THE HECK?!?!  WHEN DID MY KID TURN INTO A FREAKING GIANT?!?!"  so i took a picture.

a cute giant at least.
 so there you go.  it won't be a regular but it'll be a nice to have on hand sort of recipe.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks delicious...wait, no, can't see the pictures :(