Wednesday, August 1, 2012

unicorn hooves

baby girl is obsessed with shoes.  including display ceramic baby booties.  i use them as book ends for the collection of books on the bottom shelf of her changing table.  she uses them for dress up.

so yesterday after nap i went downstairs to work on making medals for our young women olympics we were having for mutual and i left baby girl upstairs to play.  then from the kitchen, i heard her voice at the top of the stairs saying "help!  help mama!  i need help!" on repeat... because no joke, she will repeat things twenty times straight if you don't acknowledge her.  i heard a beeping toy i wasn't familiar with and figured it was a big toy that she wanted me to help her get down the stairs.  she's very responsible and will definitely ask for help in those situations.  

well, that wasn't the case.  the toy was a tiny cell phone and the reason she needed my help is because she was wearing the ceramic booties.  her feet are too big to fit in the bottom so she has to walk on her toes and it's like wearing stilettos for her.  as is the case every time i see her wearing these booties, i literally laughed out loud and then this time i went for the camera.

sorry she's naked.  again.  should i mention again that we don't have AC?


and thankfully i got a short video because then they finally cracked.  

although i'm still crying inside a little bit that i didn't get a video of her actually walking in them because that was the most hilarious part.  the finesse with which she could prance around in those things.  they really looked like hooves.

my nakey little centaur baby.

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