Thursday, August 23, 2012

my child is so smart

but of course i'm partial.

first of all, i was listening to her sing to herself yesterday and today and i'm pretty sure she knows the entire abc song... even if parts of it are kind of unintelligible.

also, if you ask her how old she is, she will hold up two fingers!  she just learned this at her little baby school yesterday despite our best efforts to teach her this for the past two months).  sometimes it's a pointer finger from each hand and sometimes it's an attempt of two from the same hand.  the downside?  she always loudly and proudly exclaims that she's six.

what's your name?
how old are you?
[holding up two fingers]... SIX!!!!

fabulous.  i have no idea where she got this from.

and as far as colors go, i think she knows some but it's hard to tell because if you ever ask her what color something is, she will always tell you it's blue.  if you tell her it's wrong, then she'll tell you it's green.  i know she knows more colors because sometimes i'll try to put a white bow in her hair and she'll tell me that she wants a pink bow instead.  or some days she insists on a blue bow.  when i ask about shoes she'll tell me she wants her "white shoes" or her "pink lops" but when i say "what color are your white shoes?" the answer is always blue.  lately when i ask her the color of something she responds by saying "blue _____" with the name of the object.  what color is the dog?  blue dog.

with numbers, the answer is always two.  i think it's her favorite number because there's a 0-9 number puzzle at the library and she always runs to it, grabs the 2 and holds it up for me excitedly yelling "TWO!  IT'S A TWO!!!"  when i point to the number one and ask her what it is she says "I" so while we have a ways to go on numbers we are definitely improving on letters.  her favorite is A.  not sure if that's because it's the first letter of the alphabet or the first letter of her name or that it's just visually pleasing to her.  she also recognizes b pretty frequently when pointing to words but beyond that it's hard to know because she doesn't actually try on command.

other things i've noticed are that she sings along with a number of songs i would have never guessed she knew.  we had family home evening on monday night and while i couldn't hear her, i noticed she was mouthing a lot of the words.  in the bath tub the other night she was singing the tune of twinkle twinkle little star for at least five or seven minutes straight but with the words "pinkeye pinkeye little sun."  i tried to get a video of her singing along to this counting song that one of her toys plays but she stopped as soon as she saw me point the camera at her.

this is probably my very favorite age with kids.  i loooooove the 24-36 age because they're learning to talk and trying out social norms and stuff.  i've been so anxious for baby girl to get to this stage where she's starting to say funny things (like the other day when she asked christopher something and followed it up with a "kkkkaaaaaayyyyyyy?????") and stuff.  she puts lotion on her hands the way i do (rubbing my knuckles together so none gets on my palms) and on her legs the way i do too (putting her leg up on the ledge of the bathtub in our master bathroom) which is hilarious because it's such an awkward position for such a small body.

this past week i've just been so obsessed with everything she does, it's overwhelming.  if you hadn't noticed from the incessant blogging, i'm starting to get back that anxiety about life passing by too fast and not wanting to forget one little bit of it.

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