Tuesday, August 7, 2012

best sandwich ever

and oh so simple too.  the over achieving sibling of the BLT, i'm talking about the bacon, avocado, and tomato sandwich and don't you dare skip the mayo or put it on anything other than sliced french bread.  mmm, i can't get enough of that french bread...


give me a day or two and i'll do one big write up review of this weeks menu plan...  for now i'll just say that this sandwich is to blame for any deviations from the plan.  like when honey and i were driving home from church and i said, "our menu says we're having baked potatoes for lunch today but all i can think about is a bacon avocao and tomato sandwich."  to which he replies "mmmm yeah!  let's do that!"  and i may have accidentally used up all my tomatoes by making so many of these sandwiches in a 24 hour period that instead of using fresh tomatoes for a recipe, i had to use a canned.  when the recipe calls for six roma tomatoes and you realize you actually only have one left then you count yourself as blessed from following the prophet and run to your basement for a can of diced tomatoes.  

anyone tired of reading about my pregnancy obsession with food?!  my life write now is baby girl, food, and pregnancy... as evidenced by pretty much every single thing i post on here.  woohoo.

1 comment:

Lydia said...

Your obsession with food makes me feel better with company about mine =) Except I don't have your excuse...I just love food and i love that you love food too.