Wednesday, August 22, 2012

what a deprived child

at the beginning of summer i reeaaallllyyyyy wanted to get baby girl some sidewalk chalk.  but any time i saw it it was something ridiculous like $1 for four peices and normally at least a few of the pieces were broken.  i'm too cheap for that.  luckily, summer went on.  summer can not be held back by pricey sidewalk chalk.

then last week honey brought home this nifty little package.  FIFTEEN pieces... and it came in a cute little box with an easy carrying handle... and not one single piece was broken... and it was marked down from a dollar to 25 cents.  i mean, really?!  25 cents for 15 colors of sidewalk chalk?!  good things come to those who wait.

at this point i gave up trying to get a decent shot.  honey was headed out the door (see his shoe) and baby girl was leading me to believe this was a hopeless cause.

i just hope my child doesn't feel less loved for this.  i can so imagine her getting to preschool and being all, "i love christmas because my parents buy egg nog and i love fall because they buy sidewalk chalk!" and all those mean but cool "friends" at school will be all "what?!  sidewalk chalk comes out during spring.  you must have super cheap parents that are to lame to pay full price."

fear not baby girl... you have so much chalk in that little bucket, i'll make sure to bring out your leftovers at the first hint of spring.

i love her OCDness.  she's so diligent about putting everything back in its place in the box.

it was a hit.  and since we're in a dry spell... our sidewalk chalk abc's are still on the driveway and i've noticed that a minute or two after we pass by it, i realize that baby girl is singing them.  it's awesome.

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