Friday, August 31, 2012

we'll be home for christmas

normally we "go" home for christmas.  this year, we'll be "staying" home for christmas.  thank goodness though that we're always "home" for christmas!

when honey came home tuesday night, he came bearing gifts!  

well, actually just one.  but he got major points because it was for me.  if there's one thing he knows, it's that the way to my heart is through books.  i love them.  not just reading them but looking at them and holding them too.  there is something so utterly perfect about a book in the flesh.  they mesmerize me.

anyways, he gave me this and said he wanted me to have plenty of time to get pumped for our first christmas home as a family of three (or four!).

this picture doesn't do the book justice (when does my photography ever?!) but it's so pretty.  and the pages are filled with the most gorgeous, homey, comforting pictures ever.  and the content is perfect for someone a little add like me.  there's everything from short stories and poems to christmas songs (too bad we don't have a piano!) to recipes (ciders and hot chocolate and artichoke dips oh my!) and i'm so excited to break it out after thanksgiving.  maybe we'll have to set aside a little time each night in december and make/do/read something from the book for a few minutes as a family.

i'm so grateful for my honey.  he knows how concerned and anxious i am to make this christmas really special even though we won't be with either of our families.  this really just made me excited instead.

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