Thursday, August 23, 2012

22 weeks

How far along:  22 weeks  (8.23.12)
Total weight gain/loss: +14ish lbs...  what the heck?!
Maternity clothes:  still wearing the few pairs of pants that i can button and feel comfortable in.  in general i'm hating the feel of clothes on my body.  like by the end of the day i just can't stand it.  this has always been true to some extent but pregnancy is augmenting things.  i'm still finding enough things to wear and i'm happy it hasn't gotten difficult to get dressed in the morning.
Sleep:  eh.  most nights i wake up once to go to the bathroom.  turning from one side to the other is a real effort. i try to sleep on my side as much as i can but my back is definitely the most comfortable although sometimes sleeping on my stomach (but tilted so my belly has enough room) hits the spot and regardless of how i fell asleep, i always wake up on my back.  i find it somewhat weird that i never dream about babies since last pregnancy i had tons of dreams about babies and kids and birth and ultrasounds and everything.  this past week i've dreamed about my young women almost every night... although the situation and scenario is always weird.  two nights ago i dreamt that we were at lynell's and she was having an open house to show off all the work she and her husband had done renovating their home.  my whole family was there... and our group of friends, and several cats (they were yours lynell), and honestly, i think that could have been a dream where some of my young women were there too.  it was a fun dream.  and lynell... your house looked awesome.  it was so you and mike.  i kept saying how awesome it was that you could renovate it to get a house that was exactly your style.  
Best moment this week:  all of it except sunday?  i've been absolutely loving my time with my christopher and abigail.  he has been so helpful and she has been an angel.  a hilarious angel.  we've had so many good times this week that my cheeks are sore from smiling.
Movement:  like last week, i'm just still so shocked and amazed at how strong and uncomfortable these kicks, rolls, and punches can be!  and how often!  this was definitely not the case with abigail.  especially in my lower belly it's just so frequently very very uncomfortable.  and it's still soooo early in this pregnancy for that!  regardless, it puts my mind at ease to never have to wonder if i haven't been feeling him move enough.  there is no doubt in my mind that i most definitely feel him move plenty!
Food cravings:  i adore food and there's just no way around it.  i feel like i've eaten just as much this week as i have the past several weeks but this weekend i was putting on a pound a day.  at my appointment today the scale said 135.5!  DANG!  that's a lot since last week i was at 129.  but i guess i should have expected it to be high since i was fully dressed, had eaten a big breakfast, and as always, was full of milk.  my scale at home this morning said a few pounds less so i'm gonna try not to worry so much about it.  but several pounds in a week is enough to scare you into some comforting chocolate chips or tub of nutella.  not that i'm into comfort eating.  or chocolate.  it's just that that's all i can think about.  chocolate and carbs.  and anything edible.  even when i'm super full and nauseous i want to eat.  and the fattier the better.
Gender:  i'm so excited to get a boy this time around.  excited to have one of each.  it's weird to me that i'm a girl but i'm growing a boy in my body.  did anyone else ever experience this?  i can't really explain it but it's just strange.
What I miss:  nothing of significance.  i've loved being pregnant this week.  i love my baby belly bump and that i'm enjoying food so much and everything else about my life.  i'm not too tired, and i'm enough used to getting lightheaded that i barely think about it even though it still happens frequently throughout the day.  i don't like bending over to pick stuff up though.  because it's uncomfortable on my belly and because of the lightheadedness.  luckily i have baby girl as my little helper.  she's wonderful.
Milestones:   i'm pretty legit these days... pregnancy wise.  
Theme: the week of enjoying pregnancy
Extra:  i had an awesome week.  baby girl has been an absolute delight.  like i'm just even more obsessed with her than usual.  she's hilarious.  and cute.  and helpful.  it has given me confidence in her abilities as a big sister and has made me excited to have another little kid join us.  of course i have worries about this new kid being a terror and throwing baby girl into a downward spiral of a tantruming two year old and then hating my two kids and my life as being their mom but uhhh, i try not to think of that too often.  ; )  it's going to be really really hard for me though if this little boy is a bad sleeper or a bad eater or a difficult to please child in general.  i don't have experience with colicky newborns.  or even newborns that cry a little bit.  i'm trying to brace myself that this time around will be much more difficult than the last but it's hard because that previous experience is what i think of because it's all i've known.  
also, i gained too many pounds this week.  i'm thinking i probably gained close to four.  judging only by looking at my body, i'm guessing that this is the breakdown of where the weight went.  two pounds in my chest and one pound to each of my love handles.  and maybe just a tiny bit to my belly.  overall, i totally look bigger this week.  i think my belly is noticeably bigger, my chest is definitely bigger and heavier, and my love handles used to not be too noticeable and now it's like they have giant arrows pointed at them no matter what i wear.  although they've always been present, they've never been a really problem area for me.  well... now those suckers are problems.  like a stranger passing in the grocery store might accidentally grab them just because they're so out there.  goal for next week: try to increase the size of my belly without significantly increasing the size of other parts of my body.
i'm so out of shape it's unreal.  i've never been one to be in shape but normally i can walk upstairs without my legs burning.  not the case anymore.  i need to work on this.
ps- last pregnancy i was dealing with insane severely itching skin and this time i'm experiencing nothing of the sort.  probably because my skin is already stretched out (and i have plenty of stretch marks to prove it!) but regardless i am sooooo grateful not to have to deal with that (so far, knock on wood) this time around because honestly, it was horrendous.
i had an appointment this morning.  i brought baby girl with me for the first time (normally i would have someone watch her but last time my appointment was so short and simple i thought i'd be less trouble to bring baby girl than to inconvenience someone to watch her for the morning) and i think i'll keep doing this because honestly, the appointment was so short and simple (like less than 10 mins total) and baby girl was an absolute angel.  like literally couldn't have behaved any better.  she was perfect.  and speaking of perfect, apparently i was too.  i met with a new person this time because i wanted the 10:30 time slot and this was the lady that was available.   anyways, i really liked her.  she was personable and quick and efficient and complimentary.  she would measure my stomach and tell me i was measuring right on and that it looked perfect.  she'd check the baby's heartbeat and say "155... perfect."  she told me she reviewed things from my 20 week ultrasound and that everything about it looked "perfect."  and really anything else that came up... it was "perfect."  don't ask why but i loved her for this.  she wasn't fake in any way and i didn't feel rushed at all but i was loving that she was so straightforward and concise and complimentary.  too bad she's not my regular person.  i like when people tell me nice things.  and especially when they don't even mention my weight.  that was also appreciated.  only four more weeks til my next appointment!
and just for fun... 22 weeks with abigail

8.24.12 at 22 weeks, 1 day
i guess i forgot to take an official picture so this is all i have.
ps- for $35, i did not end up buying those jeans.

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