Sunday, August 26, 2012

i am so exhausted

oh heavens.  i need my husband back.  and i need my body to not weigh so much.  i am far too early in this pregnancy to feel so so heavy.  like getting out of a chair and walking up the stairs?  i fee like i'm wearing a fifty pound weight vest.  not good.  also, last week i couldn't stop thinking about how i was sure i'd doubled in size.  well, at least my chest and my love handles and my belly.  well, thankfully no one has commented on my chest or love handles but i had two separate people at church straightforwardly give me a comment along the lines of "holy cow your stomach really popped out!  like i was just thinking how you barely looked pregnant and then now you look like this!"   i can't remember how they phrased it but it was basically "you doubled in size overnight!" except it wasn't offensive at all... just matter of fact.  and all i could say back was "I KNOW!  you're telling me!" because honestly it was nice to know that i'm not just the delusional pregnant person that thinks they're getting huge when in fact they are barely bigger.  my stomach really did experience a major growth spurt this past week.  and now i can also confirm this because i've outgrown half my closet in that space of time too.  jeans that i was fine buttoning a week ago are cutting into my sides and leaving red marks along what used to be my hips/waist.  i literally tried on at least 5 or 6 different church outfits last night of what i could wear today and although i could get stuff on, it was not a pretty sight.  not flattering or comfortable at all.  so i wore that old navy giant tent dress.  thank goodness i had that on hand.

here's the other way i know i'm getting big.  i've reached that point in pregnancy where people are constantly telling you how great you look.  like i look big and tired enough that people are like "man that girl needs help" so they compliment my appearance.  haven't you done this too?  you see a hugely pregnant woman and you can't resist telling them how amazing they look?  people did that to me all the time with abigail and i loved it.  soaked it up.  i didn't even care if they were genuine... i loved to hear nice things.  so when the first couple people told me how they liked my dress or how i looked cute today i was like "yeay!  they like my tent dress!" but then by the seventh or so person (yes, there really were that many) i was like "ummm, i think i probably just look so tired (i am) and flustered (i super was) and big (doubled in size) that i'm at that point in my pregnancy already where people are taking pity on me."  soooo tally them up:

one yw told me i tooked tired (i was on the verge of sweating from trucking around a toddler, heavy church bag, diaper bag, etc in heels and it was HOT.
two comments about how huge i'd gotten so fast.
at least five friends and several yw commenting on how much they loved by dress.  with one person specifically saying "i bet that isn't even maternity is it?"

yes, i'm big.  and yes, it actually is maternity.  in a size EXTRA LARGE.

things are not looking promising for the next four months.  but at least i have super nice friends, right?!

it's been a crazy busy day.


Bryan and Carolyn Turnage said...

LOVE YOU!!! Your posts always make me laugh!

Lyndel said...

I love you pregnant friend :) mike and I read your blog while we were in a road trip this past weekend. Glad we could give you something to dream about :)love you!