Thursday, August 23, 2012

eating times two

not eating FOR two.  i mean eating TIMES two.

typically i'm not that person that wants to eat all day long.  i'm that kind of person that enjoys eating just fine but finds it inconvenient how it takes up my time and needs to be done repeatedly throughout the day.  much like going to the bathroom.  not a bad thing but not something to think about and look forward to all the time.

then i got pregnant.  and sick.  no where near as sick as i did when i was pregnant with baby girl but it was enough that i hated eating.  such a chore.  i wished i could just pay someone to eat for me.  that would have been so much easier.

and then i got past the morning sickness and i became obsessed with food.  and that's where i still am today. not only do i enjoy food so much more than ever before but i think about it non stop because i'm always so excited to eat.  not a problem... enjoying food is indeed a wonderful thing.

the problem is that i am ravenously hungry... constantly.  i've never been one to keep a food journal or log my calories but i am nearly positive that i am currently eating double what my typical non pregnant body ever did.  like breakfast... i've doubled the number of eggs and toast.  dinner... i get the typical amount of food that i feel like would fill me up.  and then when i finish and i'm still starving, i go back and get that same amount of food again.  and then finish it and am STILL HUNGRY.  

so last night we grilled hamburgers (well, honey grilled... i was in charge of the fixin's) and as we were eating i was doing my usual "this is the most amazing hamburger ever ever ever i could eat like ten more."  and my christopher tells me that since we made three, i am free to help myself to the extra one but that he bets i'll be groaning in two minutes about how full and nauseous i am.  i agreed that that would probably be the case and that i we'd probably end up putting the hamburger in the fridge for leftovers.  well... not so much.  i finished this beauty...


and then finished another just like it.  as i was eating it i was like "ohmygoodnessthisissodelicious" and "holycrapi'mgoingtobesonauseous."  but somehow i finished it just fine and only felt mildly full.


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