Monday, August 6, 2012

i had to rescue my child

sorry to leave you hanging on that last post.  paige, i swear i wasn't trying to be a tease!

baby girl takes long naps.  well, i don't know exactly how much is sleeping and how much is her just hanging out.  but when i put her in her crib for nap, she stays there for at least three hours, often longer.  when she wakes up she entertains herself and i can hear her laughing or singing or just banging her stuffed animals and sippy cup around in the crib.  eventually she gets bored and calls out for me to come get her.  if i happen to hear her crying before i ever hear her call for me, she either woke up on the wrong side of the bed and is going to be cranky, or something is wrong.  something is wrong could be anything from a poopy diaper to she unsuccessfully tried to take off her pj's and now they're stuck over her head or tangled around her legs.

so today i heard her crying and it had only been 2.5 hours.  but then the crying stopped.  and started again.  and stopped.  and started again.  i was so confused and couldn't figure out if she was trying to put herself back to sleep again or what the deal was.  i was literally standing at the bottom of the stairs, not knowing if i should run up and get her or let her just work it out on her own.

but my gut told me to get her.  i know i've mentioned before being an advocate for your child and this is what i mean when i say it about baby girl and myself.  i just felt like she needed me.  well, i was right.  i went in and she was lying on her back.  her leg had gotten stuck in the crib slats and she couldn't get it out.  it was stuck in a way that she couldn't sit up, roll over, or move at all without her leg hurting.  once i figured this out i set to work trying to free her knee but it was so tight and eventually i had to twist her leg and force it out.  i felt so bad for baby girl.  she didn't cry but my heart broke over and over again each time i heard her tell me "it hurt.  it hurt, mommy.  it hurt knee."  it was red on either side and i'm not gonna be surprised tomorrow morning if there are little baby bruises in those spots.

so all of this is to say that if your motherly instincts tell you to do something, pay attention and do it!  and also that, yes, we're having a boy.


ok said...

A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Also, while I'm not pregnant, I totally think I will be a pregnant crazy person, so the future crazy pregnant me sympathizes with you now.)

Diana C. said...

you crack me up! I'm so happy for you! I will call you back soon I promise! Love you!!!