Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Babysitting the Abigail-like toddler

This morning, my friend dropped off her daughter for me to watch for a few hours. It was 8:30 and my kids didn't wake up til 9:20 and 9:40 so I got some alone time with this little girl. She's at the age where she only says one word at a time so it's as if you're talking to someone that speaks a different language than you do. Lots of holding up boots and pointing to them while saying "BOOTS?" and whatever. It's such a fun age. I can't wait for Brady to get there. Anyways, this little girl was super clean and quiet and dainty and agreeable and she had impeccable manners and... She was just like Abigail at that age! She helped me unload the dishwasher and loved cleaning and always said please, thank you, and you're welcome. And did anything I asked her to. And was always quick to say sorry and give hugs. Because she kept accidentally making my kids cry every two seconds. But even Abigail understood (and told Christopher at dinner tonight) that it was because "she's kind of a baby."  Anyways, it was a fun treat. I felt like I got to relive some fun memories. 

Also, the real Abigail... What is up with her hair?!  Why does it keep form so well?  This was her bed head this morning. Woke up with her bangs literally sticking straight out from her head. I couldn't get a good shot because I think she was semi embarrassed but oh my goodness it's unreal. My hair doesn't keep any sort of form... Her hair though, if i brush my fingers through against the grain, her hair stays exactly there until the next time you touch it. As if she's channeling her in we baby Einstein. 

This guy is having stomach issues again. Not sure what the deal is because it's been happening off and on for an entire month now. This morning he woke up with a crazy nasty diaper. The kind you smell and just KNOW something is not right in your kid's tummy. That distinctive smell. And he was screaming his little heart out. Which totally made sense when I saw the horrible blowout and terrible awful diaper rash. So I gave him two mini baths in the sink. And I wrapped him in a hand towel because his towel is MIA. 

He loves pictures of himself. 

And while I was getting a new diaper on him and doctoring his bum, I heard Abigail screaming and crying from her room and she wasn't coming to me like I taught her to do if something happens. Well, our toddler friend was closing a drawer shut with Abigail's arm stuck inside. No major harm done. Just scary for all of us. 

Then she hurt Abigail again and she was crying so hard I couldn't understand her... But these two weren't offering any clues either. It was a bit comical. 

Brady eats so much. He downs a massive bowl of oatmeal almost very morning. Sometimes with a banana as well. Today he got to the end of it and vomited a little. Kid... What is going on with you?!

They're so cute. 

My quilt!  My mil is coming over again tomorrow for a bit to finish the border before it's quilted. 

I made mashed potatoes for dinner. Pioneer woman is the new Paula deen. Chris told me during dinner how he liked the potatoes and I just smiled. I can't tell him what's in it because he was majorly disturbed last night when weave oatmeal cookies and he saw me cream together two sticks of butter with a half cup of sugar and another 1.5 cups of packed brown sugar. Like he really couldn't believe it. So lets just not tell him about these potatoes. I went lighter than called for on the butter. And heavier on the cream. They were good. 

Abigail was so great today. So cute and really really well behaved. Brady had another blowout during nap so I gave both kids a bath (I pre-washed Brady in the sink first) and Abigail didn't even get mad when Brady threw her bath towel in the bath and got it soaking wet. People's to her because I would have been more bothered. She was great about going potty today and got to watch max and ruby. I'm really loving max and ruby... Because max is the typical cute but will let you down and get distracted and ruin your stuff by accident kind of little brother, and ruby is just the kindest and most patient and forgiving big sister. We've only seen two DVDs worth of episodes but so far, I wholeheartedly approve. 

Also, because I don't think I've mentioned it, lately Abigail is super into "options."  I'll tell her it's time to eat breakfast and she'll say "okay... Will you give me my breakfast options?" But she will also do it with clothes, activities to play, and anything else she can think of. Tonight I told her that I needed to finish cooking because daddy was on his way home. Normally she runs and hides as fast as she can and then stays there until Chris gets home. Tonight though, she insisted that I give her "hiding options."  I told her that's her job and it's called creativity. But she persisted. "No, give me my hiding options and tell me where I can hide."  I won't lie... It's hard not to laugh when she just pulls out "give me my options..." in our conversations. Ohh the options. 

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