Sunday, March 30, 2014

Getting to St. Thomas

Tuesday I had two goals. Spend quality time with my kids and get everything ready for me to leave for St. Thomas. I really don't like leaving my kids and with these two trips being back to back since I couldn't control the dates of either, I've been stressing about this for the last few months. I knew I'd need to do a lot of cleaning and several loads of laundry and some grocery shopping and unpacking and then packing myself and for the kids since they'd be at my in laws for several days until mom came to bring them back to the house. But my main focus was that my time spent with the kids would be positive and happy. It turned out to be an okay balance and we were all happy about it. 

We all left the house at 8pm and dropped the kids off at my in laws. I'd forgotten to eat during the day so my mil fed me lasagna and then I put the kids I bed. Abigail went right to sleep but Brady cried for a while so I got him up again. Not sure what Chris was doing during this time. Maybe work or talking to his dad. I've never seen him so stressed about work before leaving on a trip. He told me on the way to his parents' house that he wanted to call off the trip and not go. Poor guy. I'm so grateful not to be the sole breadwinner for my family. I can't even imagine how stressful that must be. 

Chris's dad is amazing and was full of comforting words as he took us to the airport. We left sometime before midnight and were in Boston by 5:30... Which was 3:30am MST. I kept thinking, "why do we do this to ourselves?!" Positively masochistic. It was 30* and snowing outside. I was freezing and exhausted since I was already sleep deprived from my Dallas trip. We found this nice bench in front of dunkin donuts and slept for a few hours until 9 when we went to get on our next flight. 

What's up with there only being four Doritos in a pack?!  Luckily the lady gave me two. 

And she gave me two apple juice cans too since they're mini. Thanks ma'am. I sure appreciate it. 

Getting close! I think we flew over Puerto Rico first. 

We made it to our resort and the lobby architecture was so similar to that of a cruise ship atrium. For some reason I thought that was cool. 

We went down to the beach and I fell in love. Chris says he prefers Hawaii because it's so jungle ish but I definitely prefer the gulf. The water is unreal. 

I love this resort. It's like a cruise and a resort meshed into one. You get your own beach and don't have the time limitations of docking or being back before the boat leaves and it's not enormous, but there are tons of fun activities you can do and it's all inclusive so you can eating whatever and whenever you want and stuff your face with daiquiris and frozen yogurt to your hearts content. 

We played ping pong and giant jenga. 

We keep saying "awww I wish Abigail was here too!  She would love this place!" And then we have conversations about how much of a pain it is to vacation with babies and are grateful Brady is happy at home where he can eat and nap and explore all day. 

We're having a blast but I already told Christopher I don't want to take any more trips without kids for a while. It's just too hard to leave their precious faces. 

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