Sunday, March 16, 2014

My weekend

Friday started like many others... With a whole lot of bedhead. 

We went visiting teaching for a few hours. When we got home, I fed the kids and put Brady down for nap. And ten minutes later he was crying. I can't remember the last time that happened. That n e v e r happens. So I got him up and we hung out. My friend Andrea came over to give me advice on decorating my house because as much as I wish I did, I just don't have an eye for that stuff. I took lots of notes. Meanwhile, the kids followed us around the whole house, destroying each room as we were in it before moving onto the next. Awesome. She left around 4 and I put Brady down for a nap but woke him up 30 minutes later because it was so late in the day and I wanted to take the kids to the playground to enjoy the gorgeous weather. 

But then Abigail said she'd rather go to the library so we took some time to gather a stack of books to return and as we were pulling out of the driveway, Christopher texted that he was on his way home. I told him we were headed to the library so he suggested that maybe after we drop books off, we could meet up at Texas Roadhouse for an early dinner. Brady and Abigail did amazingly well. Brady downed my whole sweet potato minus the parts smothered in marshmallows.  As we were leaving we decided to browse petsmart. It's like a lame zoo... For free. Brady wants to eat everything under the sun though so he was grabbing and panting at every snack looking pet treat. Remember how you juuuust ate?!

And then, to keep the party going, we went to gotcha for some frozen yogurt. That stuff is so delicious. I got country vanilla, dulce de leche, and raspberry cheesecake... With my usual toppings and some strawberries to share with Brady 

I don't know if it's teething or daylight savings or what but this kid has been having a hard time going to sleep at night. Sometimes though, it's totally Abigail's fault. She'll play with him and sing songs and get him all riled up, and then she'll lay down and go to sleep while Brady cries because he can't settle himself down again. It looks like this...

Saturday, we all hung out and I spent the morning showering and getting ready while constantly telling Brady to stop turning on the bathtub faucet. At 11:30, I left to go to quilt with my mother in law. I thought it would only take a couple hours but it took forever... Like quilting does. I got home after six. Although part of that was because I stopped by chick fil a on my way home. I was so hungry, despite eating four banana muffins during quilting breaks, and that chick fil a sandwich with chick fil a sauce was the most delicious thing eeeevvvvvveeeeerrrrrrrr.  Anyways, it was great.  We did all of the binding and my quilt is now completely 100% DONE. Woohoo!!!  I may never quilt again. 

Sunday I woke up sad. Not sure what I dreamt about but I was awake in my bed this morning pressing snooze for an hour. And then just couldn't shake the feeling. But life goes on. The kids did well during sacrament meeting, Brady wasn't too difficult during second hour, and he was downright easy third hour. Chris had visits after church but the kids ate well and Brady went right down for nap. But then he woke up less than an hour and a half later. Something is definitely up with him with all these sleep issues and disruptions. Anyways, we all hung out for a while, Christopher and I went crazy that Brady was literally constantly turning on the bathtub and then we fed the kids and I removed the bathtub faucet handles.  Then, the best move of the day, the kids and I accompanied my honey to the office to pick up his laptop that he needs when he goes to slc tomorrow. We stopped at this pretty lake and stream in the office park and made friends with some ducks and just talked and spent time together. The weather was marvelous. I loooove Colorado. 

Honey's got some great videos from it on his phone. And from other stuff too. Maybe all that stuff can get its own post whenever I put it on my computer. 

Then we are dinner and had a conversation about how if salmon wasn't so pricey, we would eat it twice a week. Easy and quick and delicious and healthy. What more could you ask for?!  I'll tell you: cheap. Anyways, grilled salmon was wonderful and Abigail actually was an awesome eater having salmon and cheesy pasta noodles (I need to link to the three cheese penne pasta bake dish) and oatmeal and yogurt. So nice when I don't have to remind her to "take bites."

Then I took off to go to a stake fireside on mental and spiritual well being and when I came home, all three of my loves were in bed (each their own) and I climbed in mine. At 8:45. 

My day definitely ended better than it began. The next few weeks will be crazy with trips and honey traveling for business and we will have virtually zero time together as a little family of four. So I'm especially grateful for today and our simple moments together. I feel so blessed. 

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