Thursday, March 27, 2014

Trips are my worst

I know I've mentioned it before but I suck at documenting trips. I'm really great at posting how long my kid naps or if they ate their breakfast or had a blowout. But our three week trip around Eastern Europe in 2008?  Didn't blog it. All of our family reunion beach trips every summer?  Nope. Ten days in Hawaii?  Not yet. And even though I posted Facebook pictures of our Dubai trip, I don't know if I ever posted my journal notes about it on he blog. 

... I also never acknowledged Brady turning one. Sorry Brady...  

Anyways, I haaaave to blog about Dallas. Because I didn't take notes while I was there. And because it was one of the best trips of my life. And I'm being completely serious. Anyways, I'm going to attempt to blog this trip as it progresses (although only when I have wifi access because  I'm a little wary of roaming charges) and blog the Dallas trip. But since it's from my phone, it'll be all out of order and I'll have to fix it from my computer when I get home. It's better than nothing though, right?  My in laws have traveled so much and to so many places, they frequently don't even know if they've been to a destination or not. So my mil is always telling me to keep a travel journal because it's one thing she really wishes she had done and had started young. It's always been my plan but her reminders help me stay motivated to keep from slacking. 

Anyways, wish me luck! 

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