Sunday, March 9, 2014

Honesty and doing the right thing

Getting Abigail to eat is a struggle. She is so slow and so easily distracted that eating breakfast can take a full hour... And that's only getting through half her food. On days when we just need to get out the door, I remind her that snacks are only available if you've eaten your breakfast all gone. Well Friday she didn't eat her breakfast all gone. When we were at Walmart 30 minutes later, I got out some Cheerios to pacify a super fussy Brady. I was letting Abigail share before I remembered that she didn't eat her breakfast so she wasn't allowed to have a snack. When I reminded her of this, she wasn't happy about it and asked to still hold the bag. Sure. So while she held the bag, I was occasionally grabbing Cheerios to give to Brady. Brady is really into feeding other people these days so I wasn't surprised when Abigail started fussing to him when he was trying to stuff Cheerios in her mouth. Then I heard "mommy!  Brady keeps trying to feed me Cheerios. He keeps trying to share with me but I said the right thing. I said 'no no Brady. I didn't eat my breakfast all gone so I can't have any snack.' That's what I said to him but he's not listening."  I literally dropped to my knees that very instant in the middle of the aisle to give that girl a hug and tell her how happy that made me. It didn't surprise me because she does that sort of stuff all the time (like when she reprimands Chris for trying to sneak her a treat before she's finished dinner) but I was super impressed that she recognized it as "the right thing" because that's not really something we talk about. The kid has been blessed/cursed inheriting my extreme sense of conscience. 

Which speaking of... I was so excited about my awesome diaper couponing experience during that very shopping trip and  while thinking about it again that night before bed... Ummm, I think I accidentally ripped off Walmart. It should come as a surprise to no one that I did not ever do very well in school. Especially in math. I've got other strengths, right?

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