Friday, March 21, 2014

Wonderful Wednesday

Wednesday was awesome. I'm sure I've already forgotten at least half of it, but I'm gonna try to remember anyways. 

Honey went to California for business. We FaceTimed while he was at the beach. Abigail was confused that we couldn't go to the beach too. 

Brady's walking is improving. And he's picking up speed. It's the cutest thing ever. This week he's been so so happy and playing self sufficiently and I think much of it is because he's better at getting himself around. 

I cleaned out the bottom half of my fridge. Something from the freezer was thawing in one of the fridge drawers and it leaked all over. Sooo, I had to take all of my butter out of its packaging. Luckily, I found this perfectly sized box in my basement. The OCD in me is looooving this. 

My friend Chelsey stopped by to drop off a bunch of adorable little boy clothes. I washed them and sorted them and now they're all in Brady's closet waiting for the weather to warm up so they can be warm!  

I've had Abigail's summer wardrobe ready for months but didn't have much at all for Brady. Now... Bring on summer!

As you can tell, Brady is pretty excited too. 

Also wonderful today... I got to stay in bed til late. I did some organizing. My visiting teacher came over. The kids went to bed well. And Abigail did great with her little muffin tin dinner. I'm sure there's more but that's what I remember. It was great. 

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