Thursday, March 6, 2014

Seven and a half hour nap

I woke up bright and early to a gorgeous winter wonderland. Sadly, it was all melty just a few hours later. 

Brady is averaging two or three baths a day. Happily, he likes baths now! 

Check it out! 

Baby girl and I went out to shovel the driveway. It was perfect weather!  And I chatted across the street with my neighbor while she hung out on her driveway. It was super fun.  And then baby girl played at the neighbor's house for the next two hours while I talked on the phone with the one and only Sara Snow!  Then baby girl came home and was bossy and angry and whiny. When she's being "bad" I've started asking if we should snuggle or if she wants to cuddle. She normally says yes. Today was no exception but she requested we snuggle under he covers. Two minutes later she was snoring. And we snuggled for over an hour. Then at 6:30, Brady finally woke up. An almost seven and a half hour nap. I guess that's what happens when you wake up at 5:45. So then Abigail woke up when I went to get Brady but stayed cuddled in bed. Honey arrived home to a real snoozy bunch. 

Poor guy. 

Crossing my fingers our kids sleep tonight. 


Sara said...

Haha! You forgot to mention that it was our very first time talking on the phone! :)

And naps. They are the best.

Unknown said...

Your going on a "daughters" trip with you aunts and cousins? What about your mother and sisters?