Friday, June 26, 2015

Brady says stuff

Sometimes Brady wakes up from his nap crying because his head is sweaty. And then cries about it for the next ten minutes. 

"My head is sweaty, mom.  I want my hair go away."

And always Brady asks "what's that sound mom?" 

But sometimes it just catches me by surprise when I tell him it's my belly (growling) and he responds with "your belly is tooting, mom?"

And my current favorites "Elizabeth's not crying, mom" and "I want Elizabeth eat my belly."

The way he says mom after everything is the best though. I have zero desire to ever be famous or well known for any reason, but my kids are so hilarious sometimes, it just kinda makes me wish I was on a reality tv show so I would have a camera crew catching all of this stuff. 

Right now, life is just so good, I'm back to having that anxiety about forgetting it all. Everything is so amazing right now but it just feels like and slipping through my fingers. Deeps breaths... we have eternity, right? 

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