Saturday, June 20, 2015

Mom left

This is because Abigail has kept her bed dry for three nights in a row. That's a huge deal. 

We were wonderfully productive and then had a great time going out for ice cream on the way to the airport. 

But then I got home and the next four hours weren't awesome. 
This is what I texted mom at 7pm...

"I'm sure you're missing us already. In case you're missing us too much, I'll let you know that while we were at the elders quorum bbq, Abigail pooped in her underwear. Not just normal poop, but smeared down her legs and all over her dress in what chris described as the Abigail size equivalent of Elizabeth's diaper blowouts. All the way up the front and back. And then she popped a bunch more in the tub and toilet. And Brady keeps begging me to hold him as I walk around the house trying to comfort Elizabeth who has been mostly awake and fussy/crying for the last 3.5 hours since we got home from the airport. ; )  In summary, be glad you're home... It's all four year old diarrhea, two year old fussiness, and newborn crying. Thanks for coming to visit! We love you!"

And then the next few hours were slightly better but frustrating for me because I had a husband but was just wishing he was my mom. My mom would have known what I was thinking and have done it before I knew I even wanted it. Sadly, I got a husband that can't read my mind. I also got kids that make messes. I wish I wasn't so ocd. 

Anyways, weekends are always kind rough for me. Deep breaths and it'll Ll be fine. ; ) 

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